18 reviews liked by BAM

This game would kill you in real life if it was able to.

Highly recommended.

It gave us a Pikmin game when no one else would...

manages to polish the already near-perfect original in ways that i couldn't imagine while tossing in new content that really made the experience feel fresh. this game is so damn good.
DLC sucks though screw you atlus

Best Mario Kart to date. And that's not just because I always beat Ethan, always beating Ethan just adds to it.

Needed more content but honestly? Seeing your Miis do stupid stuff and getting along with each other was worth every cent.

What's this? We're all out of Tiny Toadstools!

i'm sorry but this might ACTUALLY be my least favorite game of all time for the MAIN BIG REASON YOU NEED TO USE FUCKING MOTION CONTROLS the items are EXTREMELY unbalanced EVERY FIVE FUCKING SECONDS YOU GET FUCKING BODIED WITH A BLUE SHELL this game is the peak DEFINITION of not fair in the fucking slightest i'm sorry there is just 0 fun to be had with this fucking game i give it a worst fucking game ever/10

all mario kart games after this one were no longer super

this video game in relation to the Mario and Luigi series is basically the equivalent when you hit your sibling really hard and they start crying and you give them a lot of what they like while making sure they promise they won't tell mom.

that sibling's name? Luigi Mario.

in all seriousness I'm surprised this game gets as much shit as it does considering that Bowser's Inside Story can be just as bad or sometimes worse in the aspects this game is regularly criticized for