I loved playing this game, in gameplay side it is almost perfect. Gunplay is fun, levels are well designed, gear variety is satisfactory, graphics are good but there are some problems and if they don't fix it fast, they will lose their playerbase.

First, technical side is very bad atm. PC Optimization is just laughable. Thankfully I have a strong PC but not everyone is that lucky and for a multiplayer game (mostly), it is not acceptable to demand that much power. Vram usage of this game is just insane af.

And servers... I didn't see a lot of people having problems with servers but for me, they are really bad. I don't have the greatest internet connection but I can play Overwatch and other mp titles without any problems. But Halo Infinite servers just doesn't work right! And this game doesn't forgive you if you have lag...

Second, progression system. They actually made it better but with some cheap glue and tape. And it will go BOOM when the time comes. Making your only progression system Battle Pass is stupid. Even they said, BPs won't expire still it makes game feel so dull. And honestly, rewards are pretty bad.

Also challanges are really stupid and they don't count most of the time. When you say "want to have darker green skin? then kill 5 enemies with this gun. yeah, we know you can't use it but c'mon give it a try" you are just making game hard for everyone else. When your players are only playing the game to get "blu", they don't care about objectives and they make other's games shit.

And you are telling me nothing i do in games matter? If there is no real reward for my sick moves, i can just feed and still get rewards. This is not a good way to make your players rewarded.

Third, customization is just laughable. If you don't have any money, you can get the default blue skin for second time! Even if you have time money, you will still be the same to your teammate. I captured multiple photos of me and my teammates, and we all look the same! If I look like the beginner after pouring so many hours, it just doesn't matter. Y'all can shit on OW, but you can't deny how good customization system is. And you can get most of the skins by just playing the goddamn game, and not by trying to make some stupid challenges.

I really liked the game but, i won't play it very often until problems are fixes. Give it a try. It is fun.

1st game was (or the demo of this game) was fun but short, and i understand why it had to be short. It was made by one dev. So ok, you sold the game to us and you give next full game for free? That is a really good deal. But something happened... It is not a full game.

Combat places in something between "meh" and "damn it is too fun". Gunplay is the meh side of the game. I didn't have fun while playing with guns. Shotgun was fine but others were just too useless. Gunplay may be boring but melee combat is really good. I LOVED smashing E and even make bosses cry. But it is a short game so there is not much content... that is a shame.

Story sucks. Characters sucks. Cutscenes are ok but did we really need this?

Level design is really bad. They are too linear and too short. You play for 3 minutes then you press F to move ahead... not the greatest level design. If levels were better designed they could've made this game longer without boring people.

Graphics are good. Optimization is good most of the time and FPS was 144 most of time time. But loading times are pretty annoying for a game this lineer.

I thought this game was gonna last between 4-5 hours... NOPE. This is a demo too. It takes 90-100 minutes to beat in normal difficulty. I'm disappointed with this... I'm disappointed because this is a demo of a full game (i guess). So 1st one was a demo of a demo.

6 - Fun to play but too short.

I played for 7.5 hours and here is an early review:

+ Cars handle way better than FH4, you can really feel when your tires hit the ground.
+ Mexico is a great open world. I really liked the design of it.
+ Graphics are just... damn (but pc port is kinda sucks, wait for cons). It is one of the best looking game i have ever played
+ Story mode is very satisfying to play, cutscenes and dialogues are way better than FH4, and our character can talk now!
+ Variety is enough
+ New rewarding system is way better than FH4, i find myself doing races (i don't like racing in racing game lol - i'm happy with colletibles and crazier events) because game actually rewards you well.

- PC port is bad at the moment. Textures look really low quality even in ultra and extreme. Also lots of crashes and bugs. They'll be fixed -im sure- but still, not a perfect day one experience.
- Some UI elements are just copy paste from FH4 and i don't like it. I want feel like i'm playing a different game.
- Photo Mode is not enough -for me-

I will update this review when i play more after my midterms, cya

I tried to play crysis few years ago, played for an hour and shelved it for another day and that day was today!

+ Good gunplay, lots of guns to experience and have fun with.
+ Variety is very strong. Not all mechanics are totally polished but they all work good enough to give some fun time.
+ Graphics are really good, I mean original one is already looking ver solid but I like what they've done. Techinal side is not the greatest but acceptable.

- Sandbox Design is dumb, even world is big sometimes game forces you to follow the path even you can easily skip all the walking part.
- Stealth seems pretty useless in normal. Even you try to go silent enemies spot you from behind a wall and you have to start killing.
- Bugs are annoying. Especially the bug that causes final boss to slip away from the ship and makes it unkillable was REALLY ANNOYING.

Crysis is a brainless shooter that wants to be more. It fails in some parts but it is solid 6 hours long experience. If you are looking for a FPS game with less elements to think about, play it. If you want to think while you shoot not the best choice tbh.

It was a really solid experience, but ending just kinda messed everything up for me.... Still really good story with great characters and with super good cutscenes. Gameplay is pretty solid too and shooting mechanics are satisfactory, close combat is rough but when you get the pattern you can get through melee fights very easily. Driving is ok i guess, but i really didn't like long and meaningless driving sections.

And i think this is an acceptable port. I downloaded og version thinking i will have a better experience but NOPE, turns out original version doesn't like when you have a powerful pc and get more than 60FPS. So installed DE and it ran very good. Not 165FPS, not 144FPS but it ran above 120FPS most of the time and yeah not really good for a remaster but game looks pretty and i can live with that.

I didn't play the original version (obviously), so i can't compare two versions but if you have old machine or less powerful machine you can rock with og version no problem. But if you have newer 7 level cpus and a monitor that supports more than 60FPS go for the Mafia 2 Definitive Edition, size is bigger but for me it was worth the waiting.

It is my first Mafia game and I must say I'm really impressed with storytelling and characters of this remake. As I said, my first Mafia game, I didn't play the original, but I watched some comprasion videos and most of the changes are for the better.

Storytelling is absolutely great, the story is pretty standard and easy to predict what's gonna happen next but good dialogues and delicious cutscenes just make it all work right. I'm pretty satisfied with the story and storytelling. The characters are fun and memorable too, most of the dialogue sound natural.

Gameplay is pretty mediocre, there is no variety here. For a game that lasts 10 hours it is not very good. Yeah cars and collectibles are good ok but there is no variety in combat. I don't want billion guns, but c'mon gun list is so short, if they were all polished and fun to play with I wouldn't mind but not really. Most of the guns feels bad in the hand (and I don't want but it's 30's bs), actually whole gunplay is doesn't feel right, no no no, whole gameplay feels meh. Yeah.

Technical side of this game is almost a disaster. It is a 10 hour long game and at every level I encountered with one or more bugs or glitch. And some frame drops that occur from nowhere are just annoying. You can have butter smooth 100FPS on an open city with other cars and NPCs or you can get freezing while walking in a straight hallway because fuck 'em optimization right? And it is the first time i encounter graphical glitches with my GPU. Also 2K, your Launcher causes your game to freeze in cutscenes and make you game play worse just WHY?

Graphics are.... I really don't know. I played this game on Max settings with 1080p resolution. And sometimes game looked just like a painting. And sometimes it looks like something from early PS4-late PS3 era game. Lighting is solid most of the time, character models are pretty solid too (at least for the important characters) BUT texture quality is extremely poor. It doesn't look bad on smaller objects or when on the move but when you stare at bigger objects, like doors, it looks so bad. I can count the pixels in 1080p, I don't wanna know how bad it looks on higher res screens.

Mafia is a solid game but it does some things very poorly, and they could've fixed some of these things with updates but they just abandoned their game after getting money from old fans. Such a shame game with this much potential going to sit in dust because greedy 2K won't let devs polish their game.

If i dropped this game in the beginning, my score would be 1 or 1.5 stars at max, because damn, starting is so bad because games tries to become GaaS, and grinding in the start is so annoying, but when times moves on you get kool kid guns, and game finally lets you play like a ninja so you can get your sweet stealth bonuses. That was the time i started having fun. BUT still grinding is annoying, story and characters are still dogshit, open world feels very dead, gameplay is still good (c'mon it is a FarCry game, it SHOULD be fun) but weapon crafting system is annoying (if you don't wanna grind for materials guess what - you spend irl money to get stupid game materials!), AI is just totally stupid and they can see you from kilometers away or they cant see you when you shot a guy in front of them, graphics are not bad but not the most groundbreaking graphics i've ever seen..... Yeah this game has lots of problems but in the end it is a FarCry game and if you search for something so braindead, so you don't have really work your brain when playing it, this is the game. Just don't try to do everything like me, it doesn't really feel like all the time i've spent was woth it.

NOTE: This review and score is only for new episode 4, i gave original three episodes 8 out of 10

DOOM is an old game, but it still holds up today. If you can adapt to gameplay once you will like the game. Level design is pretty great too, enemy placement is very good and nothing is really that hard. BUT HOLY FUCK WHAT IS WRONG WITH EPISODE 4

First of all i REALLY HATE the art design of levels. They feel so dull and uninspired. Level designs are pretty bad too, sometimes it feels too small, sometimes it feels way to large. Original 3 eps is perfect in scaling the maps - but ep 4 is very weak. And enemy placement is a sick joke. Look i am not the pro gamer 69 xxx but still i can stand the all the difficult bs, but not in ep 4. Bad level design combined with stupid enemy placement, game gets really hard.

Other than its bad sides still it is DOOM. Ep 4 really drags down the score but still play the game, especially first 3 eps.

Story telling, art design, performances are great but...

Gameplay is definitely not for gamepads. I started this game with Dualshock thinking it will be more optimized for gamepads but NOPE, this game is very slow with gamepad controls. Then i switched to keyboard+mouse and yeah, this is the best way to experience this game.

And ending and plot twist of the story is just a mess. I was so invested in the story until i found out about the real past events. I can not believe how they messed up the end this bad.

Twelve Minutes is a great experience until you hit the stupid ending. Buy it on sale or just download from Game Pass and play it. It is not too long and even with bs ending everyone should try it.

Great 3 games, great value for all the game and dlcs, but they had chance to fix some bugs and add some obvious qol features but they didn't.

Don't get me wrong btw, i LOVED this collection but as someone who played for 137 hours and got all achievements, I waited more polishing. Especially journal needed some work across all games but they didn't bother.

BUY if you want to experience this great trilogy for the first time, or if you want to visit trilogy with DLCs
DON'T BUY if you played trilogy before and expect something different from original versions.

Not a huge fan of thie DLC to be honest. Story feels good, but gameplay-wise it's pretty bad. "But why?" you might ask. Because of bad level design and enemy placement.

Look I'm not the greatest gamer and i play on Normal still i died around 10 times on this DLC not because of my skills but because of bad design. That's more than my total deaths on ME1 and ME2 combined!

I wanna love this DLC but it has very poorly designed levels. If you don't have Legendary Edition, I can't recommend this.

This review contains spoilers


Javik is an interesting character tho

I REALLY liked the DLC. It's pretty short like other DLCs for the game -actually the shortest for me at least- BUT damn game takes you to different places so fast and i couldn't believe how much they travel you around in just around an hour. And story is pretty interesting too. Boss Fight was pretty easy for someone who plays on Normal difficulty with nearly all upgrades but still they were well designed and I really liked the final boss fight. Only thing i find negative is writing is kinda off sometimes. Shepard was weird, Liara was weird.

Still solid DLC. If you have Legendary Edition play this now! If you have to original version... I don't know really. I personally think DLC system of the OG version is dumb and whole package is expensive.

There is not much here BUT new vehicle is super fun to drive.

Trover Saves the Universe is one fun game. Gameplay can be annoying at some times but if you consider it is a VR game to, damn it must be great in VR.

Story and characters are good too. We all know these voices R&M so it made getting in very easy. There are some parts are just unnecessary but still solid story and dialogues.