A callback to PS1 era survival-horror titles; gorgeous pixel art style and sound work. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

Satisfying in level of difficulty and so damn beautiful. Plenty to do and collect; has several endings for you masochists.

Angela Anaconda, anyone? No? Fran Bow does have dark themes and gruesome scenes. It's whimsical in its storytelling; very Alice in Wonderland. Bonus: CAT.

Adorable way to tell a story with even cuter visuals and perfect sound. Can be finished in one sitting; it took me 4 hours.

Cute little indie with lovely watercolor art and great voice work. Makes you nostalgic for those long, carefree summer days. The mini-games/ puzzles are simple and the collectibles are adorable.

Great start for players new to roguelikes. Fun gameplay, cute art-style; despite the bugs/glitches in the beginning I still had a blast.

A rhythm game for people who suck at rhythm games.

A cozy little crafting game with lovely visuals, witty banter and plenty of collecting for your hoarding heart.

Enjoyed the 80's related tech these horror stories revolved around. Really nailed the atmosphere.

Sweet puzzle game revolving around love, loss and moving on. Can be finished in under 2 hours.

Hella fun and the closest I can get to playing the real thing outside of an arcade.

More turn-based combat, visual-novel elements, and a darker-toned storyline, Survive is a refreshing take on the series. Sadly, the combat does get stale, but seeing all of my favorite digimon more than made up for it.

It's been said before... she's Dante in a catsuit and heels. She's GLORIOUS.

Solid, and somehow even more over-the-top sequel, same badass witch. The story continues to not impress, but let's be real, you're here to pull off sick moves and look sexy doing it.

Typical hammer main strat: see monster, bonk head