Easiest FromSoft title to platinum, but I'm still proud of myself for it, pfft. I went full faith build my first go-around. I'm straight up unga-bunga usually, but I wanted to see pretty colors this time.

Lots of fun playing this with my brothers (like when we were kids!) and introducing this style of game to my young nephew. He likes Donatello like his dad.

A rhythm game for people who suck at rhythm games.

A callback to PS1 era survival-horror titles; gorgeous pixel art style and sound work. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

This review contains spoilers

Happy for my boys, Reptile and Baraka.

It's been said before... she's Dante in a catsuit and heels. She's GLORIOUS.

Back in the day, there was a demo of this game that my brothers and I would play obsessively. It was nice to go back and actually play past the intro. The old-school feel was a fun callback to my afternoons as a kid.

I found the banter between the guardians to be funny and engaging. Gameplay, namely the combat, looked and felt repetitive at first, but it grew on me. Soundtrack was solid, as expected. If anything, COSMO alone is worth a playthrough.

Story was a little lackluster and combat took a few levels to really pick up, but overall I enjoyed this. The enemy designs and the database were my favorite parts.

Every year we don't get a new Darkstalkers game, my heart breaks.

I wish I were better at expressing how I felt playing through this. To have been able to witness the transformation of Kratos from a broken, wrathful being into the man he always could be was a pleasure.

Angela Anaconda, anyone? No? Fran Bow does have dark themes and gruesome scenes. It's whimsical in its storytelling; very Alice in Wonderland. Bonus: CAT.

The new machine designs are EXCELLENT. The story went in a direction I did not expect! Gameplay is still amazing and the new flight mechanics are a welcomed addition.

Solid, and somehow even more over-the-top sequel, same badass witch. The story continues to not impress, but let's be real, you're here to pull off sick moves and look sexy doing it.

Cute little indie with lovely watercolor art and great voice work. Makes you nostalgic for those long, carefree summer days. The mini-games/ puzzles are simple and the collectibles are adorable.