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Ace Attorney is a lot of things.

It's a really experimental title, who takes a bizzarre premise and turns into one of Capcom's most recognizable franchises.

It's a collection of trials that are also murder misteries, all unnecessarily intricates that lead to some of the most unexpected twists in the history of mistery games.

It's a comedy, full of wacky character that keeps on jumping and screaming on top of each other while also making valid points in a case.

It's a tragedy, which talks about families and friends that add to go throught though life decisions for either their personal gain, or the life of others.

It's also the realization of a dream from the former creator, director Shu Takumi, who used its literal life as an inspiration for some of these character.

But Ace Attorney is also another thing: it's a classic. An entertaining and amusing classic in the Videogame industry that stands the test of time despite the technological advancements of the modern times. A title that even people that don't play videogames will be able to enjoy to the fullest.