154 Reviews liked by BaronUnread

" the only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over " and you best believe i did when the credits hit 😭😭😭😭

drips with atmosphere, has a pretty well-done story that's paced well. tamer ghosts compared to 1 and 3 which could be a negative to some, the absolute worst thing is getting stuck on your sister. Also, the game scares the shit outta me.

this game is good ... like really good even as a follow up to the first game. i do think the quality of cases is pretty inconsistent comparatively to aa1 but it's pretty charming in how justice for all is a nice refinement of the aa1 formula while also adding a few new things like psychelocks basically acting as additional cross examinations during investigations to help spice things up a bit although they do tend to drag out investigation phases at times. this review is a bit shorter given how i think there's really not much here to talk about compared to what i've already said in my aa1 review since a lot of it carries over anyways. if there's one thing i'd like to emphasize it's the fact i really don't understand how some people seem to hate this game compared to other titles when it's really not that bad and if anything it's more of what aa1 had to offer so unless you really disliked that game then 1. i have no clue why you're bothering playing this one as if it would change your mind and 2. i don't see how this could be considered a MASSIVE downgrade quite a few people are chalking it up to be. at the end of the day, justice for all is a pretty fun follow up to an already really solid game!

" big top BIG KINO " /10

Ninja Gaiden 2 happens to be one of my favorite games period now when Tecmo koei announced that there would be an updated version on PS3 I got really excited.

And then I actually played and well I don't think they could fuck it up harder if they tried

There are less enemies in Sigma 2 but the trade off is they have waaaaaaaay more health and their grabs do insane fucking damage. Bosses range from absolute pussies to one grab and you die.

difficulty is also massively lowered across the board and any semblance of challenge is robbed from you the second you get Sigma 2's exclusive new weapon Enma's fang a great sword with absurd damage and an insane UT with massive damage and invincibility out the ass.

Some stages are considerably cutdown due to the removal of keys to open doors which is fucking stupid and makes this even more linear than it already is.

the infamous stair encounter which is usually a highlight of the game is a pathetic affair in this version where there are barely 5 enemies on screen as opposed to the absolute madness that occurs on the original version. chapter 14 (11 in the original) is an absolute joke instead of an all out brawl in the village to get to mount Fuji it's instead a brisk jog with like 2 enemies throughout the entire damn stage.

these are just a few examples of the shit this version pulls.

Now this one is just more of a nitpick rather than a serious dealbreaker issue but what the hell is up with removing the blood and having it be purple mist instead? it fucking sucks and makes attacks have less of an impact.

to add more fuel to this dumpster fire in the new collection some moves just flatout don't work which is just bizarre but be wary of that if you are buying that collection I guess.

In short fuck this version go play the Xbox 360 version if you can (preferably on one of the new consoles since it runs good there)

A concept anyone can instantly understand.
The joy of experiencing a novelty not found in any other game.
A game you will want to play again and again after only a short period of time. They have succeeded in these goals by developing this pinball game! With features not found in any other pinball machine,
it is a title worthy of the genre once called the King of Games. An entirely new, yet classic play field!
It can be played over and over again, with rules both simple and profound! Mind-bogglingly realistic graphics! The ultimate ball and flipper action!

A concept anyone can instantly understand.

You only play this to get to the expansions

By Mario standard, 3D Land sucks. By standard standards, it's a pretty good time.

If you've played either NuDoom, you've played this game before.

Maybe if I cared about Warhammer I'd have cared about this game but uh, I kinda don't. Even if I were a Warhammer fan, I'd probably only bump the rating up to like a 5/10.

This game is a personal reminder that torrenting a game is a viable option. What you see is what you get with this title. You can say that phrase for a lot of other titles, and you could use that argument for some games that I personally have enjoyed. But I'm not interested in this presentation, I'm largely tired of this gameplay loop, and I simply do not think this game is anything good.

this game is the drakengard of cooking games with god tier writing and performance issues that'd make cavia and access games look like a blessing in disguise ;) but i digress, what's here is not actually a bitcoin mine but an otherwise enjoyable experience with some great writing hampered by issues that i have no clue if they stem from the actual hardware or poor optimization on the developer's part but based on the drifting tendencies of my lap warmer with built-in youtube streaming, i'd wager it's a little bit of both. it's kinda disappointing honestly how some things in this game run perfectly fine but completely wet the bed ( for lack of a better phrase ) when it comes to actually playing some of the minigames. i'm not going to pretend this game wasn't complete fanservice and on that part, it delivers pretty well with some great dialogue but GOD is it depressing considering this was 1. a game i was actually excited about playing since i need an excuse to use this sorry excuse of a console and 2. i paid 50$ for KAMIGE and i ended up with a game that's only good when i'm not actually playing it. rin, saber, sakura, and shirou don't deserve this. hell, no one does. i can only hope that some sort of performance patch comes out soon but until then i'll keep chipping away at this game since the writing is genuinely great. i just can't recommend it in its current state and that's a sentiment i feel very sad to make considering this is something i actually got excited about. until then, i'm going to boil that stupid mushroom named nasu.

anyways, let's just say tsuki remake has a LOT of competition 😎

shoutout to the homie hyli for getting scammed alongside me since we both preordered this LOL

I don’t think Nioh is particularly a great game. The level design is mediocre, the bosses are more often disappointing than engaging and the sidequests (aside from a couple of ones in the DLC) are really messy and just a bunch of shit thrown together. With that being said, Nioh has to be one of the most dopamine inducing single-player game there is, with the abundant diablo style loot and variety of playstyles, it’s fun to go and discover yourself, seeing how everything reacts to certain enemies. You always have something to look forward to.

Without dwelling further into it, I can say that Nioh never left a bad aftertaste despite all it's flaws, that should tell you something about how fun these aspects of the game are. If anything, Nioh made me more intrigued about Nioh 2 since it's a few improvements away from being one of the best games in the genre.

"people are beautiful. statuesque. parodies and tragedies of themselves. a great democracy of creatures."

all good mysteries begin with a tantalizing premise begging an answer that often has a simple explanation. and much like any great mystery, disco elysium asks the biggest question of them all: "what is the meaning of life?" despite being touted as a detective rpg, disco elysium's story is not as much of a straightforward mystery as it is about the human experience with all its woes and revelations. disco elysium is a story about discovering yourself in the midst of all the chaos and from there you can choose to act as one who would bring order or contribute to that chaos in the world of revachol. the character despite being a self insert for the player is about as clueless as you are when first awakening from their drunken stupor and that recontextualization of the world around you allows for a connection between the player and our nameless ( for now ) detective to be established straight from the get-go while also laying the groundwork for the rest of the game's nonlinear progression fairly well. the world of revachol is yours to explore and the game does a great job at masking its progression with a thinly disguised layer of freedom on top of it all. i find that the greatest strength in disco elysium comes from its freedom it extends to the player in terms of how you choose to investigate the mystery. the game does a great job at allowing the player to go at their own pace while indirectly guiding them gently as many of the side distractions you can partake in often hold new revelations for the main mystery at hand while also just being pretty enjoyable on their own. for instance, i solved the mystery without even inspecting the body! i usually like to shy away from the term " ludonarrative " due to the subjective nature and also pseudo-intellectual connotations the word itself brings but i think in this one instance i'll admit that the gameplay is really well contextualized here within the main narrative of the story as well. first and foremost, the implementation of " checks " here within the story is really well done considering how the game rarely ever punishes you for messing up a few of them. much like real life, failure is very much an integral part of the experience, and learning from those mistakes makes the learning curve all the more natural. progression rarely ever feels like trial and error and outside of a few checks i barely ever reloaded my saves making each small check ( like a 3% ) feel all the more rewarding when i managed to scoot on by through sheer luck.

without saying too much about the story i do feel like what's presented here is pretty interesting. the world of revachol is beautifully realized and each of its inhabitants has a story to tell. most importantly, these people feel realistic most of the time given how well the political climate and history of revachol is established. while some of the writing does tend to be a bit pedantic at times, i think it's still consistent enough in tone with the world to not feel overbearing. the world is hostile to you, the player because it is unfamiliar so it only makes sense that the inhabitants themselves would be too at times. that's not to say most of the characters feel the same because that'd discredit some of the great writing behind crafting each and every inhabitant you interact with being distinct from each other leading to some plot moments that might resonate with anyone who plays it. the game also recontextualizes the typical alignment system with one a bit more fitting to its setting by creating a political system that does NOT shy away from the way it handles each ideology no matter how extreme. it's a small detail that changes a few choices in meaningful ways but also one i feel that's sadly caused it to be misconstrued as a primarily politics-focused game when it's merely one aspect of its worldbuilding. one thing i feel like the game does a great job at handling especially given how disco elysium is fundamentally a game concerned with " the human condition " is that the world is very much reflective of the fact that at the end of the day " everyone has their own problems " and the experiences we go throughout life very much shape the person we become later on in life. the voice work within the final cut is also pretty great here as well with the vocal inflections of a few characters leading for some standout performances which made me love some character, in particular, a lot more ( kim is AMAZING ). the game also does a great job at contextualizing its world through environmental storytelling as well with fallen structures and small quips made by mere observations greatly highlighting the level of care put into crafting the lore of this world, something i found myself appreciating greatly the more i got into the story itself.

another detail i'd like to mention here is the brilliantly scored soundtrack by british sea power. the tracks you'll hear through the majority of disco elysium are all pretty solid production-wise and really drive home the tone of the overall game and greatly enhance the atmosphere of it all. one track in particular "whirling in rags (day)" is one of my favorites from the game and just a track i feel encapsulates the atmosphere and tone in a really sweet yet melancholy blend of musical tones.

before i close out this review i'd like to address a few things and maybe even demand a little something from you if you still haven't tried it yet. i personally think the best way to experience this game is going into it relatively blind and NOT using a guide at all. i know that might be a little tough on some people but playing this game without the handholding of a guide definitely feels like the intended experience and makes a lot of the solutions and progression all the more rewarding. more importantly, however, please give this game a shot if you're feeling a bit on the fence for a multitude of reasons. find a price that's worth it to you or maybe even pirate it, i won't judge, but i feel like this is one of the better crpgs i've played over the years in both production value and from the actual gameplay and narrative aspects as well. i think there's a lot in this game that'd filter people from a personal standpoint but i think this game has a lot of charm that succeeds at worming its way into your heart despite that. it's not a perfect game by any means as evidenced by my personal rating of it (a number that has a varying amount of gravitas on anyone who bothers to read this anyway) and while it may not stick the landing every time, the imperfections of this game only serve to fully highlight its strength. disco elysium is a game about identity, longing, loss, and acceptance. at its very core, it is a story about the human experience in all of its ugliness and beauty. thought-provoking and deeply meditative at times, disco elysium rises to the occasion as a compelling commentary on the human condition through the lens of a lovingly crafted detective story. it's a game that i'll be thinking about for years to come and knowing that i have many more secrets and revelations to uncover in the world of revachol makes me all the more eager to jump right back in sometime in the future. at times it's calm yet mundane and other times it's fresh and exciting. and if that's not a small encapsulation of what life ultimately is then maybe our mileages just vary. but that's okay! meaning is created by the individual not for the individual and at the end of the day, i think that's what's more important! disco inferno/10

p.s. i'd also like to give a HUGE shoutout to ex and oh for recommending this game on a whim to me since i was on the fence initially and their recommendation was what gave me that final push to finally take the dive. it's been a great experience getting the chance to play this game and also just write about it as well! wish them a very late happy birthday in the comments if you manage to stumble by this too. i'm sure they'd appreciate it! :)


i personally separate my life to pre-oppai academy big bouncy booby babes and post-oppai academy big bouncy booby babes periods, as reading it has completely changed how i view the world. it taught me to appreciate life much more (or rather in a different way) than i used to and also be more honest with myself. it may have a similar effect on you, or it may do nothing if it’s not your kind of thing, but one thing is clear — you’ve got to read it even if it’s the last thing you do. my life has been an ongoing quest to discover life-changing works of fiction, and despite having gone through thousands of books, movies, games and the like, i have yet to find anything to even rival oppai academy big bouncy booby babes. i’m honestly getting goosebumps just remembering it.