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1 day

Last played

August 30, 2021

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I'm not going to include any spoilers because if you're interested in the game the surprises are definitely the best part of the game.

I think the biggest problem with this game is how streamlined it has become. Considering it brought back NMH1's formula of money grinding for bosses I thought that we were going to get interesting and challenging boss dungeons, with many interesting mechanics and things to come!
I was somewhat right, there was definitely a lot of interesting stuff going on, but the boss dungeons are completely gone. You do a few encounters on the map, and if you want you can do all of them and have enough money for the next boss fights. You don't even need to do the job minigames for money. And after those encounters you pay up, go to the boss, beat the (really easy on bitter so maybe try spicy) boss, rinse and repeat about 10 times.
The story was also poorly handled and does not try to close anything up in this game, mostly because it's setting up for some future titles that aren't No More Heroes, but something else. In this game though it does continue up a lot of the points brought up in Travis Strikes Again and that was honestly pretty nice, but maybe it could've seen some more development that does feel like a missed out opportunity. Apart from that the plot is fine, it's nothing stellar or mind blowing but it will keep you entertained.

The one MAJOR complaint that I have is that half the map is completely unexplorable, whether this will be DLC or nothing at all it's definitely weird, not that it matters though: the map is quite empty and devoid of interactions except for a few collectibles.
Overall though it's still a funny and fun game, maybe slightly repetitive, but it definitely does its own thing.