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April 20, 2023

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So basically this is DLC to hear some cool remix tracks while you fight the laziest enemy gauntlet challenges imaginable. At least they tried to do something with the visuals? Got some Killer Is Dead vibes going on early?

The reason this exists is to help you farm materials for upgrading weapons that you will never use so you can earn the trophy for upgrading all the weapons. It costs $8. And the crazy thing is, if that is something you want to do, it makes complete economic sense to purchase it?? Because that grind is so bad???

How do I square that? Does that make this DLC good? No, it highlights that the main game is bad in ways that are now evil because they are so bad they can be exploited for profit.

But does that make this item evil? It came out only a month after the base game did, but it is so lazy I could see it having been slap-dashed together in a short enough amount of time as to have maybe been envisioned after NieR went gold.

NieR: The World of Recycled Vessel is fake news as applied to video game product. Because there's nothing here. There is no content. There is no value. There is no purpose.

But there is language that describes it. That is used to market it. That is used to refer to it. This nothing burger package has like three god-damn names? It has dialog in-game from real characters as if they are interacting with something real? As if it is imparting Lore™? As if the game is somehow made more by its existence and inclusion?

But all language used to describe this DLC is a waste of space, a waste of time, a sin against existence. Why does it have cool cover art. Why does it have music so good the tracks were untouched in the NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... remake. Why was just enough effort put into the creation of the form of a thing without making a thing, this object that exists in language more than it exists in reality.

I have never felt more metaphysically swindled than realizing, after dying to the final gauntlet an unfun number of times (to that bullshit final mini-boss and his one-shot projectile magic attacks), how insulting the reward for my invested time was. You don't even earn exp points from killing enemies! They don't even drop items! You only get a pithy EXP and gold pot if you win, which does not at all compensate you for the time wasted for every failed attempt! I paid real world money for this! I don't even want to talk about it, to increase the words that make this thing feel more real in a wrong fake way, even as my brain gets fired up, reeling at all the ways I keep realizing the profundity of this insult to my time and money!

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