4 Reviews liked by Bayermurph

3hard5me, only made it to the second boss and gave it up because I couldn't do it anymore.
solid game in all aspects, just too difficult for me to finish.

This game just keeps getting better and better. One of the best value AAA games of all time, each level has a ludicrous amount of content to work through and nearly all of it is fun. It's difficult to think of many games with more replayability than this trilogy. The level design is perfect, IO have absolutely nailed the balance between sandbox environments and individual levels, packing each area with astounding attention to detail and countless opportunities. The main reason I keep coming back is the variance - each level has so many different ways to approach it, and that's not even accounting for the player made contracts and escalation bonus missions. I love that these games don't take themselves too seriously either, there's a ton of comic potential in every assassination you set out to do. The new Freelancer mode has cemented this as at least a top 10 game of all time for me if it wasn't already, adding a rogue-like element means I won't be putting this down for a long, long time. Can't wait for their Bond game.


This is probably the first indie game that I've 100%. I think the first time I played this game was around 2019, and I just got a PC that wasn't a stupid apple laptop (awful!). Anyways, I played Hollow Knight and god I sucked ass. It was humiliating! But little did I know at the time that this would become my favorite game.

The platforming in Hollow Knight is fine, really there's only one area in the game that asks a lot out of you and it can feel weird only because you don't really do that much platforming compared to this one area. Aside from that though it's not really that difficult, just a bit odd if you aren't used to the platforming by this point (which is fair).

The bosses in this game are great, they get progressively harder (though I'd argue some bosses later on can be easier than others but that could just be because by that point you're waaay better at the game). I think the great thing about the bosses is that they have obvious tells on what attack they'll do. So even the more difficult bosses become easier with practice which is obvious but it's more of just memorizing, as long as you're paying attention during fights you'll be fine.

The art in this game is beautiful, I love how the little knight looks. It's animations are well-made and I also just enjoy how it looks in general. The OST for this game is also beautiful, I adore it and just how fitting each of the area's music truly is (as well as the boss music).

This was probably my first metroidvania I really played and I didn't know at the time that I'd like it but I love it A LOT!! I replay this game too much and even though I'll never be able to re-experience this game for the first time again, it'll always be my favorite.

This has one of the biggest and most filled-out open worlds in gaming and none of it is even remotely interesting.