This game is dry. Only play it with other people and in no other circumstances. It's just a grind fest that really doesn't feel that engaging.

Like any game, the more people you have playing it, the more fun you'll have. But this just isn't enough to save this game from being boring.

Dropped it after like 10 missions all done in Co-op.

This game is nostalgic to me and I really enjoy it's core gameplay loop. It's funny and having it ported from the arcade made such a difference.

Is it janky? Yes. Does that stop it being fun? No not really. If you played this in the past and enjoyed it, pick it up on the cheap.

If you never tried it, it probably just isn't going to hold up today. It was designed as an arcade game and therefore is enjoyed in short bursts with basically no progression.


This game is cool and the whole perspective changing gimmick to puzzles is engaging and doesn't really feel stale if you play this game for a long time.

Tbh, i'm docking stars because I just got lost and can't really understand where to go or what i'm doing. This is probably my bad and the game explained everything but still.

It means this game has been retired to the backlog until I can be bothered to retrace my steps and get myself back on track.

Was a decent little 1st party game that had good utilisation of the hardware. Just wasn't that engaging to be played over anything else.

Sure if this was your only game, you could find hours of value but why? It's non offensive, it just isn't good enough.

I know really that this is a good game. The problem is I just don't want to play this style of game after all the years of evolution gaming has had.

Mechanics just dated and long, puzzles are hard in that old buy a guide kind of way and it feels like it just would of been fantastic if played at the time of it's release.

May return to one day.

Was a flash in the pan for all of a day.

You can't just merge portal and quake and create a game. There has to be more depth to it.

I really appreciated what this series did, taking rhythm games and making them cool by having the controller be a guitar.

It's a good game, but once the gimmick wears off you'll be annoyed you're stuck with this large controller worth 50p at CEX.

This game was better than the Mario Kart equivalent at the time. I don't just say that as a fan boy of the series, it just is a deeper, more mechanically intensive kart racer.

It stays true to proper racing games where going fast and staying in first is the objective. The comeback mechanics are present in this game, but nowhere near as punishing as Mario Kart.

Shortcuts take laps of build up to take effectively and the sacred blue flame is just such a skill gap its a wonder they took such a bold decision to allow skilful players to dumpster noobs like that.

This game easily got the best of my pre-teen gaming years and will always be a cult classic. It's a shame it doesn't quite get the love that it deserves as the best kart racer.

If you love world building sims, you can get sucked into this game and lose a lot of your time.

If you don't, this game is going to get repetitive and boring very quickly. The DLC and the amount of packs is just stupid, I feel like 3/4 of the game is locked behind them.

Playing on console also doesn't allow for mods which seem to enhance the experience 10 fold, fixing a lot of the problems the developers just left behind.

Worth a play if you are into the genre, don't buy it for too much though.

This game captures the old school platforming feeling so well. Having said that, the game is nails. If you aren't prepared to put in the work to find out how every god damn thing in the game can kill you then don't bother.

You'll easily die 100s of times before seeing the ending and 100s more before seeing the true ending. Being a Rogue like, this is to be expected.

There is no permanent progression and therefore knowledge and mastery is what keeps this game engaging and fun. If you don't like the core gameplay loop, you won't get much value out of it.

Literally just the same game as the previous ones. I have nothing against FIFA, I just want to see some innovation in the series.

FIFA games will always be a staple of the couch play experience but outside of that, they just aren't worth playing let alone buying the same game each year.

As a skater this game is just pure class. The flickit system developed in Skate 1 is just on full display here and the game is just the most polished (take with a grain of salt) version of Skate you'll play.

Until Skate 4 comes out this will hold the title of best skateboarding game.

What a waste. Microtransactions controversy aside etc, this game had just so much wasted potential.

When it came out I thought "Battlefield but in space. You couldn't mess this up" but here we are. You know the rest, EA fumbled the bag and took Dice's credibility with them.

A little arcade game. Under a fiver, go for it. Anything higher and I think you'll struggle to find the value.

Having said that, an interesting take on platforming, shooting and the Rogue like/lite genre.

I hate this game but I've clearly sunk too many hours into it to give it a bad review. It's just so polished for an online card game.

When the meta is good and decks don't cost a lot to craft, the game is tolerable as a f2p player. Any other time, good luck.

The power level of the game is just absurd now, even aggro decks run 10 mana cards that basically read "win the game". I fear that you just can't get started playing this if you aren't already super invested or willing to drop bank.