I enjoyed this more than 8 and 11 but not as much as 4. I don't really see the appeal in this series, it's pretty boring imo.

Decent fun. More of the same.

The best Fire Emblem alongside Radiant Dawn.

The best Naruto games in my opinion.

The story is great and is Rockstar's best story ever, but that gameplay can feel like a huge slog. I hope GTA 6 doesn't feel like this.

Damn they weren't wrong. That Super Mario CAN RPG fr.

I don't like Persona but the reveal was cool and unexpected I won't lie

Really fun game. It is a shame this version isn't in the new collections. The remake is mid.

The story is great, but the gameplay is not so fun.

The story is great, but the gameplay has aged. This should have gotten a remake instead of 3. Yes, I know there is a remake already, but a newer remake is needed.