6 years after finishing it, this game is addicting as hell. The combat is excellently polished, the soundtrack is out of this world and the gameplay reward feels so satisfying. It would be an almost perfect game if it wasn´t for some missions and the horrible loot/synthesis gimmicks


The game itself is very mid. Gameplay looks promising in the beginning but gets very stale to the point many times I would dodge encounters, play battles severely under-leveled and win anyway.

What I find really, REALLY good about this game is its characters and narrative. Every character is unique and has meaningful depth. The score is pretty good, the visuals look great and do an excellent job in portraying the dark themes set all throughout Sunny´s journey.

Overall, the best way to describe this game is a mid version of Undertale with a more compelling story

The game engine is solid, the netcode works incredibly well. Other than the movement feeling a bit too spaghetti even for Brawlhalla standards, I enjoy it

Positive first impression. I liked the area but I still crave for something to grind in this game

Me había olvidado lo que se sentía odiar a los brasileros, chilenos, argentinos, paraguayos, y a uno mismo mientras jugaba a este juego

Bien hecho para lo que es. Jugué 10 minutos y me pareció muy blando como para seguir jugando

Fantastic expansion. It felt rather short, but other than that it was excellent. The new enemies, the gameplay elements, the music, most importantly how they took a step further with the story after so many years of build up that felt a bit shallow

Tengo bastante que decir de este juego como tengo bastante que desear.

Elden Ring me pareció un juego sólido en general. Hace todo lo que los juegos pasados de From Software hicieron bien y redondeó de muy buena manera la fórmula de los Dark Souls.

-Lo bueno-
El soundtrack y la escenografía de este juego son espectaculares. Lejos lo que mejor logra este juego es salirs de esa monotonía estética de contrastes tan fuertes en sus juegos anteriores. Acá hay de todo. Lo que más destaca en la inmersión de este juego es cómo el soundtrack apoya y exalta el lugar donde estás. Leyndell me pareció una zona excelente y de mis favoritas de todos los juegos de Fromsoft.

El combate y las armas están muy bien logrados. Agregar a Torrent y la idea de encuentros que varían con el tiempo como Nights Cavalry o sino también los dungeons y áreas opcionales resplandecen y logran bien lo que el mamarracho de Dark Souls 2 no pudo hacer. Este es un combate mucho más metódico y a reacción que castiga al famoso roll spam que facilitaba la experiencia relativamente en juegos anteriores.

La exploración y versatilidad que ofrece es brillante. Siempre que te quedes trancado podes tener en cuenta que hay algo más para hacer y evitar frustrarte reventando la cabeza contra el muro de tanto comer en tal zona o jefe.

Uno de los puntos más fuertes de este juego son la historia y los NPC. Esta vez la historia se me hizo mucho más digerible y los encuentros con los NPCs fueron mucho más fáciles de seguir y claros de entender. La quest de Ranni o la de Hewg me parecieron muy bien logradas y contundentes narrativamente. Hay de todo para hacer y muchas historias para seguir rejugando este juego.

-Lo malo-

Creo que podría resumir todo lo malo de este juego en que no agrega mucho más. Es una fusión de todo lo anterior que no se aleja lo suficiente de lo anterior como para tener su propia identidad. Es un Dark Souls un poco cambiado, no se anima tanto a salir de lo habitual como en el caso de Sekiro. Las cosas que agrega son muy lineares.

El sistema de crafteo está bueno pero no ofrece mucha variedad: algun frasco para gimmickear enemigos o grasa para imbuir tu espada con X efecto. En mi experiencia tampoco noté mucho cambio en el día o noche fuera de ambientes como la nieve o el boss de Nights cavalry.

Mi principal problema con este juego: LA DIFICULTAD. Este juego es el souls más fácil por goleada. Demasiados bosses queseados en primer intento, los strakes of Marika ayudan mucho pero a veces son totalmente redundantes y carrean, etc. A su vez, tiene bosses que parecen imposibles. Se me hizo demasiado inconsistente la dificultad del juego en mi primer run y creo que eso arruinó un poco el sentido de recompensa en varios jefes. Mientras que en algunos quedé muy satisfecho, muchas veces terminé y quedé pensando "Ya está? Era esto?" lo que para un juego de fromsoft me parece un poco preocupante.

Juego bien hecho, juego con algunos problemas visibles, juego que me resultó tibio

Una locura, space invaders con tremendas tetas

Excellent remaster. It still carries the flaws of the original game, but at the same time retains how memorable it is. Halo 2 is my least favorite Halo game, but one I really enjoy

This review contains spoilers

So... about time I finished this game.

I have a LOT to say about it, so you will most likely be flooded with Halo chatter for the rest of the year by yours truly.

In summary, there are two quotes that perfectly describe the game for me and my experience
"-How can you trust me?
-I don´t... But I want to"

This story was a ride. In a very similar sense, it feels like Star Wars The Force Awaken but instead the story is actually decent. All throughout the game I see things embedded from every Halo campaign prior and it works. However, being a jack of all trades means you master none. Aside from the open-world concept of the game (which is not as big or impactful as advertised mind you), there is really not a lot to Halo Infinite as a game. 343 was very insecure when designing the campaign and it shows

They did not dare to challenge fans at all. It is good to acknowledge how bad your last campaign was received, but giving fans (especially the whiniest bungieliebers) what they want does not equal fixing everything and calling it a day. It calls back to its roots, but what else?

The good:
Immersion is outstanding. Sure, the biome and structures are monotonous and identical, but overall they work fine and do not get boring unless you decide to farm them all at once.
MOST enemy design is excellent, as good as Halo 5 imo (which I hold very highly) all but Hunters. I really do not like the direction Hunters were taken. They were interestingly taken in Halo 5 with the rage mechanic. However, for this game they feel like bullet sponges that you will camp and throw shit at with skewers and other items. All other enemies are excellent. Love the Brutes, love the elites, above all, the way they handled Jackals and Skirmishers was just perfect.

Speaking of enemies, the way they expanded and portrayed the Banished as a faction was by far the best achievement this game has. They were credible, intimidating, strong. I feared they would only be an excuse to have enemies just like with the Covenant in Halo 4/5 but no, they were outstanding. Escharum gave me chills with his speeches more than once, the reasons and codes they fight for are totally understandable and have a real purpose.

Weapons and abilities blend in perfectly. This is a flaw for multiplayer at the same time because many weapons feel like they were thought solely for campaign such as the ravager or shock rifle, but the way they work in SP is excellent and diverse enough while lacking in MP

The level design is very inconsistent but with huge highs and below standard lows. Many of the closed missions play the same: run through the same corridor, grab some engines and power a lift. It really gets exhausting after the second time. On the other hand, there are many memorable segments like the banshee and tank sections or the mission that was shown during the famous e3 reveal last year. Best of all, there are a lot of ways you can engage in those missions, meaning replayability is guaranteed and very much welcomed.

Before I shut up, I want to say the things that I really did not like (Spoilers).

1. The fucking house of reckoning. As a mission it was amazing. However, I cant wrap my mind as to why this is not a gamemode for multiplayer. Literally, THIS IS FIREFIGHT, WHY IS IT NOT A THING.

2. There are serious issues with low self esteem and trashing Halo 5. I don´t know what the Harbinger is or does. Audio logs are cool but I hate having all of Halo 5´s implications thrown aside. What about the prometheans? Warden Eternal? Blue Team? Osiris? ARBITER? come on. I don´t expect some whacky update in the future full of fanservice of that kind, but the issue I have with this is how the game wants to be a soft reboot to bring more newcomers in but it gatekeeps the story to older followers of the lore just the same, hence purposeless. There should have been more of Halo 5´s plot elements tied off, maybe even Halo Wars 2. I thought we were past the motif of Forerunners as mystical given we, idk, saw and killed one face to face in Halo 4.

All in all, campaign was good. A step in the right direction, yes, but a rather short one. There are more things to fix, but for a base release it is fine. 3.5/5. Better than 5, probably same level as 4.

Me convierto en el chozo fundador