January, 2024


1h 38m

Okay so I did some relic farming and rethinking of my teams.

4h 37m

I unlocked all the Uber sims! And I completly emptied out my whole town, I wanna rebuild it with all the characters I like.


9h 0m

Got all commercial sim blue prints!! And I filled up every lot as well, I wish there were more lots tbh.


7h 14m

I am working on getting all blue prints from the commercial sims


13h 20m


I got my town to level 5! I am not done playing though, I still gotta decorate my own house, fill up the empty plots & befriend my fav characters.



11h 56m

Played throughout the day I just became a 4 star town : D.


7h 45m


I got my town to 3 stars so far! I am trying to do lots of things I didn't do on the Wii, I had the tendency to do the same thing every playthough and I wanna change that now!



10h 34m

Finally finished difficulty 3 of the swarm!! I also spent a lot of time rethinking my teams and tried to level Dan Heng IL.


9h 24m

So I finally continued the 1.6 story, 1 of Herta's puppets got attacked and some of the researched have been dissapearing, This caused quite a stir in the space station so Asta & Screwllum asked someone Dr Ratio to help with the investigation. But the doctor is skeptical so he questioned us and asked us a bunch of questions like "when was the last time you saw Herta?" So we went deep into our memories. After doing so we came to the conclusion that Herta asked us to collect a energy type curio without a name, Arlan told us the missing people instantly combusted into flames, people are starting to distrust asta & the space station crew and Adler figured out that the curio is a heliobi lookalike thingie made of fire. After a lot of brainstorming and researching we found out that Duke Inferno someone from the Annihilation Gang planning to attack Herta's space station. And he used a Curio called the Phase flame (the one herta asked us to fetch) to teleport people to an unknown location. Upon finding this out he attacked and teleported Asta as well. His plan is to cause a lot of chaos on the space station so he can easily attack it. Once Asta was kidnapped Megumi & Dr ratio immediately chased it while Screwllum worked on a way to not let it escape. Eventually the flame started to get weaker and we caught up to him. But in a last ditch effort he spawned a LOT of enemies but Megumi & Dr Ratio easily beat them. So he gave us Asta back but he was able to phase through a wall before we could catch it. So the space station is safe for now! Although after the quest we had a cutscene between Dr Ratio & Screwllum where Dr Ratio caught the phase flame in a box but it was also revealed that Dr Ratio let the flame loose on purpose, but he also didn't? He found out that Duke Inferno was gonna attack the space station with the flameand he intercepted it but didn't really extinguish it, he let the space station get attacked to teach the people to not idolise the Genius Society, but he also helped us so it wouldn't get out of hand.
Afterwards I did Argenti's companion quest, wich was fun until the fight against Argenti that stuff took me 3 hours :_:. I really need better characters.
I also finished the side quest with Chengjie.


1h 0m

I didn't do anything interesting, BUT I did watch my friend level Dr Ratio for 5 hours today wich was very fun.


0h 53m



Recorded this game for my channel and got both the good & bad ending.

Started / Finished

0h 32m

Doctor Ratio arrived on my profile best day of my life!


1h 8m

Did some runs with (@MitchellGSPR, @Vincent & Vincent's girfriend).


2h 22m

Listened to some of the character voice lines and looked for all the missed chests in the Seclusion Zone.


2h 29m

Played some more alpha co-op with @MitchellGSPR & @Vincent. We got to mom's heart a few times.

1h 30m

tried some new mods.

3h 42m

I started the 1.6 story today!! So Herta told us Ruan Mei arrived at the space station and we went ahead to meet her! She wanted us to be her assistant in an urgent matter so we helped decided to help her. (although it was kinda forced since she kinda poisened our tea.). So we helped her find her creations and she eventually tasked us to go to the sealed part of the space station where we found out Ruan Mei has been doing some messed up experiments where she tries to create/recreate life. And after exploring the whole facility and getting to find out more about Ruan Mei and her research. At the end of our investigation we ended up in the deepest part of the facility where we had to fight against a replica of Starcrusher Swarm King the Emanator of Propagation, and after a difficult fight (I was having a lot of trouble) I finally defeated him and he turned to like dust. We also got to meet Dr. Ratio down here for the first time. Anyway after this whole ordeal we confromted Ruan Mei who told us the whole story, and then she just left and we would forget her. (cause that's part of the drug she gave us at the start but I won't forget her). Next time we need to tell Asta Ruan Mei left the space station.


2h 6m

Did some versus mode listening to voice lines and looking at all the cool dramatic stage finishes!!

1h 49m

Dailies + Side quests + farming and leveling characters!!!


2h 32m

Tried the alpha co-op with @MitchellGSPR & @Vincent. And I finally beat mom for the first time.


2h 0m

Tried working on my characters but I am barely making any progress.


1h 43m

We (me, @MitchellGSPR & @Vincent) did some more modded runs, but honestly I am getting a little tired of this game.


4h 11m

So we finally met up with the King (miyamoto xD) but the dark lord had to steal his face, so we saved him :D. Afterwards we saved Link from Greenhorne for princess Zelda. After saving him we found out the King wants an arranged mariage for his daughter. He wants her to marry A guy I named timothy he also asked us to go fetch him. But that's for next time.
Current team:
Ben - Lv 8 Kind Mage
Megumi - Lv 8 Kind Popstar
Peter Griffin - Lv 8 Air-headed Warrior
Jotaro Kujo - Lv 8 Cool Warrior


3h 57m

Did some modded challenges with @MitchellGSPR & @Vincent.

1h 27m


After seeing Bijuu Mike's video I decided to try this game out for myself! And I gotta be honest I spent most of my time asking AI anime questions :p.



7h 29m


It's time to start my new epic rpg adventure. I Ben am a mage and I will save Miitopia!!! First things first we had to save the little town called Greenhorne, the dark lord Elon Musk stole people's faces. And we did save the people and got a permission slip from the mayor Obama to see the king.
While saving Greenhorne we met Megumi, Peter Griffin & Jotaro so they joined our party :p.
Current team:
Ben - Lv 6 Kind Mage
Megumi - Lv 6 Kind Popstar
Peter Griffin - Lv 6 Air-headed Warrior
Jotaro Kujo - Lv 6 Cool Warrior


December, 2023


1h 15m

Just played some Suika game while watching christmas movies.


3h 10m

Did some more farming.


3h 15m

I did it I got Ruan Mei!! Don't really have much stuff to level her but she is a good character for later.


4h 25m

Did some modded gameplay with @MitchellGSPR & @Vincent.