2 reviews liked by Beraldo

um RPG no qual você aprende todo um sistema linguístico de termos específicos de uma espécie para poder se comunicar com ela, algo que é claramente inspirado em ultima underw-

Once you get past the novelty of rhythm combos, it's not the mechanically deepest game out there, but the presentation is exuberant and the focus on the on-beat fun in every aspect from the gameplay to the visuals and soundtrack never wears off. The inconsistent character designs put me off at first (the game sometimes feels like it can't settle on an art style) and that first trailer didn't do the writing any justice, but this party grew on me a lot over time, with a lot of fun interactions, neat arcs, and really rad culmination of their efforts before the final boss. It just kinda feels like a cool 6th-gen action game I'd have played back in the day so the fact that it brings me the same feeling as an ice-cold Fanta in July is a good bonus.