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Time Played


Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

May 20, 2023

First played

May 17, 2023

Platforms Played


No Straight Roads is charming, and a great concept for a game. The game wears its No More Heroes influence proudly, with the same leaderboard interlude between fights, and lengthy boss fights intersperced with cutscenes, but the shoddy gameplay and massive amounts of jank are dealbreakers.

Its one of those games that looks more fun to play in still images, but is nowhere near as good in practice. Attacks lack feedback and weight, the rhythm of the song is more or less irrelevant. Even with parries, which are optional and unnecessary aside from challenge modes, No Straight Roads is a rhythm game that can be easily beaten with the sound off, which tells you how much the core idea of the game doesn't really work.

Its still worth playing via subscription, because this game has a ton of fun, campy and stupid cutscenes, a high quality soundtrack, and it doesnt overstay its welcome at only 4 hours. It's a case study of how far charm can carry a game that sucks at its core.

A 6 out of 10 is absolutely a generous score, but there is a lot to love here in spite of the glaring flaws. Lots of early reviews criticize the game for being buggy and having a bad camera, but the patches since launch have fixed them. It's just a shame they couldn't commit to making an actual rhythm game and not a half baked DMC clone.