40 reviews liked by BitchassRemi

any time i made breakfast using the griddle, i'd only give butter and syrup to mickey and give a giant plate to minnie. i would constantly burn or throw things away so they would have to drop off more food at my windowsill (i also loved clicking on the clouds to hear thunder)

when i see a sakura tree all i think is just "Resurrection Butterfly -80% Reflowering-"

not gonna write a ton because i'd end up going on for way too long but
i would be a much worse person if i never played this game
every single one of its themes resonates with me, and my initial playthrough of it made me completely re-evaluate myself and how i acted.
the way it's gameplay melds with the themes is also incredible, never seen a game even try something similar.
the entire cast is great here (especially joshua) and there isn't a single boring moment in the game
ost is also incredible
dont think i have a single complaint to give this game honestly

So I bought this game with my monthly allowance (from my dad) FOR my dad (who smokes) (and hates video games) (and was very angry with me for buying a video game with his money) I played the whole thing at the age of like 8 thinking that with the knowledge this game could give me I could somehow convince my dad to stop smoking. 12 years later and nothing has changed. I even developed a nicotine addiction myself. It's your fucking fault Allen Carr

Fun but real BS with enemy placement and the final stage is total ass that i decided to look up R34 of Ryu Hayabusa getting ****** to calm down. Music also started getting on my nerves.

It’s about making the most of your short time in life yet it’s 82 hours long? Hypocrisy much?