6 reviews liked by Blasco

no es tan malo you guys are just mean

This is the best game I will never complete

In time, you will know the tragic extent of my failings...

As of the Repentance update, this game is probably one of my favorite games of all time, but at the same time it's one of the few games I have that can piss me off so very much. No other time has a game made me feel as stupid as Isaac and for that I commend it but I also despise it.

How do you follow up an amazimg horror game?
Well certainly not like this

the second game chased trends a lot more but i way preferred this one where it just shamelessly and openly stole concepts outright from tons of other games and honestly that's the way to go put a portal gun in zelda hell yeah plus this art style? chef kiss, this is a real dudes rock game if i've ever played one and i mean that as a high compliment