2 reviews liked by Bleckpilled

This is gonna sound harsh, but it's because I care. Know that what I say comes from a place of love. I love Thousand-Year Door. It's one of my favorite GameCube games. If you look here, you'll see that I named the original release my Eastern RPG of the Year for 2004:
That being said, what a shitshow of a remake.

The more I play of this game, the less I like it compared to the GameCube release. Everything is so much SLOWER than the original. At the time I am reviewing this, there's no way to speed up the text scroll speed like there is in the original. Given how chatty this game is, that's a real problem.

Levelling up is significantly slower. When you levelled up in the original, your HP and FP were instantly filled. Now, it ticks up slowly. It acts like you were at zero, even if you were full.

The game runs at 30 FPS, whereas the GameCube version ran at 60 FPS. I assumed that better tech specs meant better performance, but I guess not. The graphics are way too glossy for the tone the original was trying to convey. I HATE the remixed music. Thankfully you can turn it off with a badge that is cheap, but I would prefer to have it in the options. So we have a worse looking, worse sounding, worse performing game that wastes your time compared to the original that costs more than the GameCube game originally did. I say wait for a price drop, or better yet, emulate the original. Don't incentivize Nintendo to cut corners like this with their own history. I haven't seen such a botched remake out of this company since the Diamond and Pearl remakes on Switch.

A return to basics that excels amazingly at them.

The loss of sliding and the charge shot took me a little to get used to, which honestly wasn't even a problem when the rest of the game was so well designed, as well as perfectly recapturing the vibes of the NES era.

First phase of the final boss may have been the boulder to my Sisyphus, but this was a really fun game.