Far Cry 3 2012

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

August 9, 2023

First played

August 6, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Far Cry 3 did a hell of a lot for the future for FPS', both good and bad, but on its own, it's not a good game. The story is interesting enough and Vaas is an incredible character but they try too hard to implement stealth that basically doesn't work (Ubisoft moment). The gunplay is mediocre, most cars drive like shit and the whole crafting system is flawed. The fact I have to find specific types of animals that don't show up on the map just to get a tiny bit more inventory space is backwards and very frustrating.

I've also had CONSTANT crashes.

I will give this game some props in the character department, as most of them are very interesting and stand out in their own way. Having played a bit of this game before, I think I was blinded by nostalgia thinking this game was going to be a lot better than I had imagined and that might have soured my experience, but sadly it just wasn't fun for me and I don't want to put any more time into a game I have stopped enjoying.