6 reviews liked by BlurMarsh

The art in this game is beautiful, and the concept is very sweet, though as much as I would want to love a Touhou rpgmaker game the translation is kind of patchy and they made me do complex math. The puzzles alternate between being easy to frustrating, either way they're all very simple in concept and it isnt anything that excites me, or really relates to Touhou at all for that matter. I dont think any game ever should make you pay 8 dollars just to humiliate yourself doing division.

I was enjoying it but then it introduced dailies and the season pass, breaking the spell it had over me. The more involved and high budget your game is, the more intolerable gacha/F2P mechanics become.

Would kill/fuck the sun for Anatoli and Pyotr tbvh

David Szymanski could punch my teeth down my throat and I would pay him $4.99 for the privilege.

Magilou if you are out there, raise your fucking arms