16 Reviews liked by Bluuq

Sim, eu sou o emblema de fogo..

Po achei o jogo maneiro e é o primeiro que jogo desse gênero de estratégia por turno assim, e sinceramente não foi uma experiência ruim, claro que não foi aquilo de marcante teve momentos ali que eu fiquei com um certo tédio em continuar a história do jogo (que por sinal não achei lá tão legal), os conflitos e as conversas que rolam com os personagens é uma parada bem legalzinha de ver, principalmente quando tu mata algum inimigo e ai o outro da equipe reage de alguma forma, achei isso bala e deu bastante vida pro jogo, mas a história em si.. não consegui me apegar tanto.

Mas eu gostei do gênero e espero jogar mais vezes jogos desse estilo, Fire Emblem me divertiu na maior parte do tempo e colocou minha cabeça pra pensar antes de fazer qualquer cagada.


It's been 5 years and still my favorite narrative in fiction. It went 99% like I wanted it to be, basically an ideal of story I had for a long time

I spent 7 hours having fun, and like any other random survival game, I got bored

sometimes i hate being a key fan cause all i know is pain

Faz quatro anos desde a última vez que uma história me fez chorar dessa maneira.

"A life of nothing but sleeping and eating? Sign me up. If you want to switch spots, then knock yourself out. Enjoy hard labor!"

One of the only times I've cried playing a video game. And it was multiple times

[ASMR] Lloyd Bannings helps motivate you to overcome your life's barriers

Casual marriage implies the existence of competitive divorce.

Honestamente, não tenho palavras para descrever essa conclusão impecável da trilogia Utawarerumono. Só posso dizer que na retal final, acabei soluçando de chorar sem parar e em completo choque pela experiência incrível que presenciei. A conclusão desse jogo, em minha humilde opnião, considero que está em um patamar próprio de excelência, junto com Metal Gear Solid 4, The Witcher 3 e Nier Automata.

making it my goal in life to one day be half as cool as haku

unironically the only character that was enjoyable to have on screen was misumi

the only good writing was the narration of takumi in the horror sense of being seen with the whole whos eyes thing. takumis depiction of anxiety was pretty okay, the nanami ringtone scene in his room with the hand was definitely really, really well executed, so much that i'll give this game an extra star (2 in total, wow!)

many of the elements of the games story cater to a 12 year olds fantasy.. or fat people who live in their moms basement and unironically use terms like waifu

terrible main character. the attempt of redeeming him after 15 hours of torture is pathetic. plot is almost interesting but.. cheesy with all the swords and stuff. so unnecessary. terrible pacing throughout the chapters. weak ass plot twists too

just play steins gate instead. this is not worth playing if you are interested in intricate fiction, for the time investment of a visual novel, it sucks.

though i finished one ending, i don't think i even want to play the other endings. also put me off playing chaos child.

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my favorite part of the game is when rean got sexually harassed by musse which is the entire game which makes it a 10/10 game raw fire kino also cool morbius reference thanks gilliath osborne i will kill myself

Graphics looked like a PS2 game but it was the most fun I've ever had in a pokemon game, plus the postgame got me into shiny hunting

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I love this game so much.

This is the pinnacle of long term storytelling in gaming. What MoT does the best, is slow building. They take the time to get you emotionally invested in the characters, the story, why you should care. The first game did that to perfection, leaving the second game to close the story.

Haku is a super relatable protagonist, hes an average fun guy who happens to be in a bizarre situation. We his identity of “haku” as we know it die in MoT, every day is emotional hell as he’s forced to confront his friends behind a mask, wishing he could interact with them genuinely. The every day interactions build up to emotional crescendos perfectly. Whether its Kuon & Nekone, Haku/Oshtor and his mom, Kuon & Haku, these encounters are teased insanely well. You know its gonna happen, you know one day they’re going to find out Oshtor is Haku but they tease the moment countless times, forcing you to want it even more.

When Haku finally lets his guard down, and allows Oshtor’s mother to acknowledge his suffering, that he still exists, I couldn’t stop crying. The imagery of a mother, even while blind, still recognizing Haku as Haku, knowing her son Oshtor was probably dead was beautiful. He had been holding so much in and the payoff was emotional as hell, they do this amazingly.

As Oshtor’s sister, we see a young Nekone attempt to cope with her brothers death, and Haku stealing his identity. To make it worse, her role model Kuon left for a while, its impossible to really understand her pain but we see her open up bit by bit. When Kuon comes back, Nekone is shaking its very obvious something is wrong. Kuon is the only one to see this side of her & comforts her, this breaks her “im fine nothing is wrong” facade as she starts sobbing even though she cant tell Kuon what really happened. The line when Kuon offers Nekone to sleep with her for the night, but a shaking child responding “Just the night? You wont leave me right…” broke me. Shes only a child that misses her older brother dearly.

The last example I wanna bring up is the relationship between Nekone & Haku. Nekone is very uncomfortable acting like Haku is her dead brother, but she goes with it because its what must be done. “If he’s my older brother, then where will my real older brother go.” She can not truly mourn Oshtors death/memory, its an unbearable burden to put on a young child. Its extremely painful, but she justifies it by blaming her brothers death on herself. Its heartbreaking. We see the culmination of this guilt when she’s kidnapped. She goes on about how she doesnt want to be saved, that she should be left to die since shes such a burden to Haku & Oshtor. Yet by the end, Haku saves her anyways & tells her that he only wants her to smile. Even though they both acknowledge Oshtor is never coming back, their relationship improves and Haku becomes an amazing role model and big brother figure for her. Character development is beautiful.

Master class in storytelling, easily my favourite game of all time.