98 Reviews liked by BobOnTheKebab

I ended up quitting this halfway through out of apathy.

What's here isn't terrible but it's the epitome of a 5/10. None of its new mechanics meaningfully contribute to gameplay and feel as if they exist just to be marketable quirks. The collectibles are less fun to earn here than prior Yoshi's and now that you're REQUIRED to collect them for progression, it's hard to care.

Best I can say is that I do like the arts and crafts aesthetic and it ties into the platforming pretty well. I also like replaying the levels to see the reverse sides of the stage cause you can see what materials and objects the levels are made out of - cereal boxes, balloons, etc. That said, it lacks the loving care and passion that makes Woolly World's art direction so impactful.

At 60 dollars, your money is better spent on literally any other 1st party switch game, and your time is better spent with Yoshi's Island or Woolly World.

Mf`s be named after McDonald`s dipping sauces.

More like Punch-Up cause he's so short

Mario has shown time and time again that he deserves to be the most iconic video game character of all time, and Super Mario Odyssey is no exception to this. This game is just an infinite pool of charm and creative ideas, there's so many ideas jammed into this game that it honestly blows my mind just to think about it.

This is the worst game I've played in my life.

Oh, before any Sonic fan says it by the way, the PS2 version isn't why I didn't like the game. I only ever had framerate issues on the first level and the multiplayer.

Everything about this game is a disaster. From the story, to the graphics, to the controls, to the level design, to the missions, to the hilariously unfinished multiplayer.

The story exists to retcon stupid crap into Sonic Adventure 2 and to be overly "edgy". This is sprinkled with the delightful multiple path system where the endings are extremely similar and the levels/cutscenes rarely connect into eachother. The graphics are ugly and look extra bad when contrasted with all the reused models from Sonic Heroes.

Shadow controls like he's on ice, the level design is bland at best and labyrinthean at worst, it even reuses level design within the same levels too which is insane for a game made by supposedly competent developers. The missions consist of annoying chores that can sometimes take over thirty minutes to complete while you listen to the white noise this game calls music.

This game is just a total trainwreck, please don't play it, go watch some funny YouTube man play it if you wanna laugh at the occasional unintentionally funny parts of it.

Without a doubt the best game in the Pikmin series and one of my all time favorite games of all time. It is pretty short but the game still manages to be amazing in that short amount of time, the new Pikmin are excellent additions to the roster, the maps are really big (though playing the game as much as I did does start to make them feel smaller), the gameplay is fun, the game looks beautiful, and its just a blast to revisit. Not to mention the amount of changes the switch version added, good lord it made the game so much better.
I highly recommend adding this to your collection

An bundle with 6 great Kirby games and some really fun challenges in the style of Kirby's Return to Dreamland. There is no reason I can see why anyone would dislike this game.

absolute peak punch out imo, love this game