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1 day

Last played

July 27, 2023

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Still trying to get my thoughts together on this one, so I think I'll try and keep it simple and do some bullet pointing here.

- It's Danganronpa 4. Which I mean, everyone expected, but I was still pretty shocked at just how Danganronpa 4 it was. "But can you spell knife" and "next you get to make a comic book" are in full effect, for better and for worse.
- That said, I am glad Kodaka's willing to move away from the DR setting, even if "hope" and "despair" kind of get search-and-replaced with "truth" and "justice".
- I think the mysteries in this are pretty weak. Chapter 4 (case 5) is fun but the rest aren't much to write home about.
- The bit in chapter 1/case 2 where you had to walk through a room and recreate how the culprit created a locked room was really good, and got my hopes up for more stuff like that later on that would really challenge the player's use of visual space... but alas.
- I think the final case twist was a lot of fun, with one detail that had me clapping and cheering... but man, Kodaka still doesn't know how to make an interesting "mystery-solving" game out of his final chapter twists yet. I was hoping for something more like V3 where you'd be solving a murder and the big mystery simultaneously, but instead it was more like 2's "get a bunch of clues that lay out the plot for you, then repeat the plot 3 times in the gameplay portion."
- Honestly Kodaka just take off the power limiters and write a fully fantastical mystery game already. Don't save the big setting shakeups for the final chapter, use them in the murder plots.
- Characters were fine? I feel like the game expected me to be more invested in the agency detectives than I was. Maybe that's on me for not reading the Gumshoe Gab segments.
- I try not to be too much of a graphics/performance guy but wow this should not have been a Switch exclusive. Even putting aside the vaseline filter in handheld mode, the load times are atrocious.
- The most Danganronpa-ass moment of all time occurs in this game where, following a character's emotional end, you then must play a minigame to spell "email" and are rewarded with an ass shot