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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 31, 2023

First played

August 16, 2023

Platforms Played


I really didn't like Death Stranding when I played it originally. I came back 4 years later, trying to see what people liked about the game.

I loved everything Death Stranding was trying to be, but Kojima just didn't connect and polish everything enough for me to give it anything higher than a 4.

The combat was amazing, the true battle sections were colorful and tasteful. The vehicles were a tad janky, but worked great. Map traversal was awesome, but sometimes a little too "old school" with the trial and error. I loved the horror aspects in particular (survival horror is my jam), and the BT sections were awesome.

However, the story just felt a little disjointed. Like Kojima was trying to tell me something, and I guess he did... just didn't draw out what exactly I need to get out of it. The whole sections with Cliff felt a little out of place, and I don't really like how they resolved his arc. Wonderful character though. Which character I loved through and through though- HIGGS. He was amazing. A thorough villain, and not purposefully evil becuase he likes to go mwah ha ha.

Some of the character development was stagnant for a good chunk of the game, and then immediately went into overdrive (Deadman & Die Hardman). I had no real problem with it,,, but I know Kojima can write better than that.

As a PS Exclusive, I'd tell people to try it out. It's a game you'll either love or hate. I mean, it's not the last of us,,, or snake eater. But it's insanely creative, wonderfully put together, and entertained me from the beginning to end. It's not just a walking simulator... remember that.