83 reviews liked by Boquafious

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This game is really remedy's magnum opus, I don't know how to explain it but everything about this game is so cool. I was worried I wouldn't like Saga but seeing someone be affected by alan's work was really interesting, and she is just actually pretty cool. Also alan's dark place adventure is just so cool, I mean they put max payne in the game without putting max payne in the game. Alan wake really is the culmination of the 10 years it took for us to finally get it and it was worth it all.

One of the most iconic games in history, with amazing stealth, amazing story and characters. However, I will say that this game has not aged well, and needs a remaster asap.

Despite the technical issues, it was great. A huge step up from the first game and definitely worth playing. I really liked how it didn't feel like they nerfed Cal at all, even if you 100%ed the first game, which is often the case with sequels. Excited to see how the next game takes it even further.

I was kind of disappointed every time the story mission was just going back to a previous planet to do something else, because for a lot of the game it felt like it was just back and forth from Koboh to Jedha. Even though those two were massive planets, it still would've been nice to get more variety.
Also please for the love of god let me save anywhere, I don't want to have to go looking for a meditation point when I want to take a break. It ruins it a little bit because when i have limited time to play, it makes me not want to stray too far from the meditation point, but I can't make any meaningful progress unless I do.

This in my opinion is THE best game of 2023 as well my personal favorite survival horror game. I cant even put into words how much I enjoyed playing this game, playing as the two protagonists, Saga Anderson and Alan Wake through an amazing story full of mystery and horror. This game had one of the most surreal and enjoyable missions I've ever had (The Herald of Darkness concert mission). The gameplay in this game is phenomenal, not only having the regular resource management third person shooter aspect of survival horrors, but the inclusion of the story and plot board I believe was genius. Finally, graphically, this was one of the most amazing games I've ever seen, surpassing all my expectations. I believe that everyone should experience this masterpiece in gaming, as this gem truly is a work of art and one of my favorite games I've ever played.

A very great story centric game, a story that constantly unravels itself. Amazing characters, setting and atmosphere. The gameplay wasn't the absolute best, but it was fun and posed good challenge. Overall a fantastic game to play and left me excited for more.

this game is what it was advertised to be

best gta best story ill never forget the ending

1 list liked by Boquafious