53 reviews liked by Bossbattle

The fact that stuff like this can be made and released for the public is probably the second scariest thing about this.

The scariest thing is that someone could play this and go "shit, this is deep."


When this started with the suicide hotline number I thought, "ah, I'm no doubt in for a thoughtful and nuanced depiction of mental illness!"

At one point there's a scene where the main character freaks out about her follower count and people commenting, like, "no sexy pics no followers!!!" and i refuse to believe no one on the dev team said "hey is this stupid? is this fucking stupid you guys?"

"What if the R in JRPG stood for Reddit?" - Katsura Hashino

Seeing people turn this into another “uwu quirky mental illness relatable protag with severe issues” type of thing causes me physical pain.

had niggas crying in messages while i killed them with a rocket launcher

Listen - I like surreal things, I like abstract things, I like slow things, I like reading. But man, there needs to be something for me to hold on to to make it through a game. 'Vibes' and 'themes' alone aren't enough.

You'll see this compared to Lynch. No. It bears absolutely no resemblence to his work beyond the most superficial. Every second of everything he has ever done, no matter how 'dreamlike', is animated by a powerful and clear emotional core. And that's the point of the exercise. It's just as easy to tell what his stuff is 'about' as it is with this game, but he gets it across in feelings, through image and performance - this game does it through dry, detached, opaque walls of text and deliberate tedium. Sorry, but one of those is a hell of a lot more compelling to me than the other.

The writer of this game is an Xrd Baiken player

One of the greatest 2d platformers and indie games of all time to this day. Its tight and difficult gameplay is so addictive. Finding the way to beat the challenging levels over constant deaths never felt so satisfying. The soundtrack also keeps me pretty hype. The game is uber charming and I love the artstyle and aesthetic. The way each and every level is so intricately designed still amazes me to this day. Also the replay that shows you all your runs of the level makes me feel more satisfied that I finally beat the level. The satisfaction I get from playing this game is almost second to none. This is probably my favorite between this and Isaac but both are masterpieces in their own ways. I'll say I still probably slightly prefer Mario 3 but this comes close to best platformers ever.

If you like an absolutely morally repugnant game that forces you to choose between becoming either a theatre kid or a band kid then DNI