Log Status






Time Played

4h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 14, 2021

Platforms Played


Never before have I seen a game developer be so egotistical and pompous about their own legacy before, but hey, they earned it.

I love how Astro’s Playroom takes the step beyond your typical tech demo into becoming a celebration of everything Sony has accomplished up until this point. It’s not only a super solid 3D platformer that introduces the gimmicks of the new Duelsense quite well, but is also an enlightening experience for someone who only recently really got into PlayStation last generation. Hats off to you Sony, and here’s hoping for 5 more generations of landmarks.

(Also, it feels so refreshing for Sony to take such a liberating step with the new Duelsense. It takes a lot of concepts inspired by previous Nintendo controllers but perfects them with a a pristine level of polish, while also bringing their own ideas to the table like with the haptic feedback. It bridges the gap between gimmick and realism that I’m so intrigued by looking into the future of their console. I only hope developers take advantage as much as Sony intended when looking at this game.)