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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 6, 2022

First played

April 4, 2022

Platforms Played


Deadly Premonition is a game that I've heard is very divisive and you either love it or hate it. I'm on the camp that absolutely loves it. It's a game that is just oozing with personality. All of the characters have their goofy quirks and that is one of the many things that made me fall in love with this game. York quickly became one of my favorite protagonists since I took a liking to his character and how he is the perfect blend of serious and comedic. The story was great and kept me hooked the entire time. The ending was pretty weird but also really captivating and satisfying that gives the game a proper conclusion. I hear the other versions of the game add sequel bait which sucks since this is one of those games where I can safely say it didn't really need one.

Gameplay-wise, it's discount RE4 but even with that in mind, I still had fun shooting down enemies as I explored areas for clues. The driving sections were also enjoyable since hearing York interact with Zach and sometimes a few of the other supporting characters made for some funny moments and we get to see some of York's personality shine too. The only times I was really annoyed with the driving was when you had to drive long distances or when you made a wrong turn and had to go back to a place where you are familiar with. Maybe it's because I played this on an Xbox Series X, but I had very few framerate issues or technical problems during my playthrough. The worst I dealt with was the framerate dropping during the sections where you run from the Raincoat killer but even then it may have been designed that way.

Deadly Premonition was one of the few games I played over the course of 2022 that I absolutely fell in love with and I would definitely recommend it, specifically this version since I hear the other versions perform worse or add unnecessary stuff like the sequel bait. Speaking of the sequel, I really want to get around to playing it and I hope it doesn't disappoint.

Bonus: My favorite cutscene in the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-41YUSZ9VAg