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This game isn't bad per say, but it has a few hang ups that prevent me from appreciating it to it's fullest.

My biggest hang up is visibility. Don't get me wrong, touhou isn't known for it's readability by any means but in this game it is BAD. I find it extremely difficult to tell what's going on at any given moment, with the combination of the stages and the extra particles given off by your season modifier. While some seasons make readability worse than others [cough cough spring] it doesn't change the fact that it makes the game feel much more unfair in a way that's out of your hands.

That aside, I also don't really find the characters in this one memorable save for like, Okina. And Aunn a little bit. The music is very, very good though!

The game itself isn't too bad, either. There's a few spell cards that are especially sinister, but overall I'd consider the game fair! Fun if you can get past the visibility issue.