Log Status






Time Played

18h 6m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 14, 2023

First played

December 2, 2023

Platforms Played


While this game is an obvious downgrade from Thief 1 and 2, it still holds its own weight against them. The levels having actual music instead of just ambience, the animated cutscenes sprinkled within missions, and a proper conclusion for Garrett's storyline help elevate this game from feeling like a jank cashgrab to a genuine sendoff for the series.

I can't lie though that this game feels incredibly bad to play without getting the Sneaky Upgrade. Even with it, I almost wanted to quit during the first mission just due to how bad it felt to play. However, once I understood how the blackjack worked in this game and got used to movement in this engine, it felt like I was back playing a genuine Thief title again.

Shalebridge Cradle also really is as good as everyone says. This might be one of the best levels in gaming ever made.