It is a pretty generic puzzle platformer but if you are a Shrek fan and have some time to kill it can be fun.

At times the levels can be cruel and unfair. If you enjoyed the original Super Mario Bros. you might get some enjoyment out of this. Some of these levels should've stayed lost.

It's a decent Crazy Taxi Clone with a Simpsons coat of paint but that's all it really is.

If you go into this game expecting a long experience then you will be disappointed. But as an experience this holds up well to all of the other Ratchet and Clank games. The Clank sections aren't too tedious and the new weapons are interesting.

Most games in the Mario Sports Genre are at least decent and this one is no different. It loses marks for having less features than Tennis and Strikers though.

This is the peak of the series. Sonic 3 was already a great follow up to Sonic 2 but then to have Sonic and Knuckles added in as well just makes this something really special. The "& Knuckles" levels feel like a nice continuation of the story and the boss fights are some of the best in the series

This is a decent follow up that just misses the bar that the previous game set. If the 24/7 GM mode was not glitched to favour certain brands and features weren't dropped from previous games; this would be rated higher.

Overall this is a pretty standard movie to game adaptation. What really saves it is that the motion control sword fights on the Wii. There are plenty of characters for you to duel your friends with.