Incredible atmosphere and investigative storytelling. I've found very few sources of dopamine more pure than seeing "Well done." on a green-grey screen after making a deduction.

Before reaching the end, I was ready to write this off as a forgettable experience that felt like someone watched too many "INSANE FIREWATCH THEORY!!" videos and decided to make their own game.

But it's almost unbelievable how badly this game bungles its messaging around the themes it warns of at the start. At best it is very badly saying what it wants to say, and at worst it is actively rationalizing some sick and abusive behavior. Do yourself a favor and skip this.

This game really miscalculated how invested I was in, like, the lore of LittleBigPlanet.

Remember when Nintendo perfectly demonstrated the asymmetric multiplayer potential of the Wii U with a free launch game and then did nothing with that?