I would rather have pancreatic cancer than play this game again.

A classic. No arguments there.

An amazing game, maybe not the most graphically impressive, but it's very fun. I love how morally grey the story and characters are. Truly an interesting experience.

Go Black Eagles!

This game is the equivalent of being told your son doesn't share any of your genes.

Great game, I loved every second. I also loved grinding every class up so I could have broken as fuck characters that completely assfucked the final level. Very fun.

Use a guide, otherwise this game is just no fucking fun.

I gave this game a shot because I saw some videos of it on Youtube. I then realized it was an actual fighting game and returned it to the video game rental store within a day.

You ever just like driving a tank? Cuz that's 85% of this fucking game. I don't really like it very much, and the story is just way too simple and easy to figure out.

Jingle Bells
Batman Smells
Robin Laid an Egg
This game's bland
Says the man
Who played it anyway.

The best Arkham game, period. It solidified the genre of Arkhamstyle games and inspired a lot of games coming forward. (Spiderman PS4, Shadow of Mordor, etc.) The story is easily the best part of this game, and the ending is so god damned satisfying as a long time Batman fan. Play this game, please.

It's alright, if not a bit short and with narrow level design. Outside of that though it's got a relatively decent story and good combat. Sadly it just doesn't completely hit the mark on what the Arkham Series could be. That would be left to the sequel.

This game gets rereleased too much, but it is a great source of destress. You ever just shoot fat women in the face? It's very entertaining. Also pretending that you're a super hero while playing as Trevor and killing innocent civilians under the pretense of stopping violence.

Grand Theft Auto V aka Mass Genocide Simulator, now with Tanks!

Playing this game with friends is incredibly fulfilling. I found myself getting lost in it for more hours than I can count. Play with mods and friends for an optimal experience.

A good experience, but also just a really lonely one. Even playing in multiplayer I just find myself feeling alone and aimless, and as I suffer from severe existential nightmares, feeling aimless is just not something I enjoy. Terraria is much more fulfilling.

I just really like nuking myself and causing zombie apocalypses. A good time.