25 Reviews liked by CallingGestalt

raw & poetic & vulnerable & honest~ crying, art as pure expression, a game can do so much with so little

throughout letterboxd and backloggd, i alone am the correct one.

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ive been saying i would finish this vn for like a year now so im shelving it, really impressive, shinji falls for the most obvious trick ever

corporate has advised me not to share my opinions on rance (character). just know that id touch him in odd ways.

as peak as it gets. i have 1600+ hours in FF14 and the 20~ hours this game gave me are still better

this game makes me want to kill people but the pretty music keeps me in check

not as good as carrot vs wet armpit asmr but better than nail scratching on mic asmr

this is the gay son/thot daughter of FTL and StS (its good)

i take this game more seriously than fortnite rocket racing (very seriously)

this ones like crazy. like this ones insane. this one is bonkers.

theres a chance for the funniest thing ever to happen here

the amalgamation of what this game is trying to say, it's artstyle the way it's written and presented really makes it one of a kind
it interacts with you assuming you are a certain type of person which creates a weird way of positioning yourself as a player if you don't fit in that category
you should play this blind and you should give it a chance

it feels wrong to give a star rating to something like this, i think it was wonderful that the author could put this out and that they were very brave for doing so, i also particularly enjoyed the presentation

Getting to know someone through their art is always really meaningful.
It's an interesting concept, I particularly like how NPC dialogue starts stagnating after a while and the idea that you're playing something unfinished. My biggest problem is that on my pc the loading screens were abysmal, making it kind of a slog to get through and taking me out of it every hole cycle.
The 'sexy' furry women are also not my thing.
Edit: SPOILER I forgot to say this but "and than she got hit by a car" is a very cliche twist