325 Reviews liked by Camryn

toy story meme where buzz says "blank, blank everywhere" but replace blank with guns

It's fun when I don't want to ***

awesome but i wish my stupid idiot friends would play more

if mario maker was party game

this game is just like 1984

i knew i'd have a good time with this game but wasn't expecting to absolutely fall in love with it like i did. an amazing time through and through. i'm a big kingdom hearts fan but i hate turn based rpgs so this remake always seemed very appealing to me. the kingdom hearts mindset made the combat a little awkward at first but i ended up loving it (i still prefer kingdom hearts combat to be fair... but this game was still super fun). my biggest barrier was i thought it would seem very padded and long (from my understanding this 30ish hour game is the first like 6 hours of the base game) but i never felt as if it was a slog. i started and beat the entire thing within 3/4 days and had a blast doing so. i was a little worried i wouldn't love the story or the characters much but i was very wrong! so many characters are amazing here and there are so many fun and great character moments. i won't spoil anything but the chapter 16 option was one of the funniest bits in any game i've played. i had this idea that it was going to be very gloomy and take itself too seriously but there are so many silly and goofy character moments that really shine. i very rarely cry at video games but i was tearing up near the end of this one. so excited for part 2!!!

Best Pokémon game since Saturday, June 23rd, 2012.

This is what Sword and Shield should have been