I love this buggy mess and my magic weed cat.

After escaping so many prisons you'd think they'd just give up at some point.


The best video game protagonist ever, no questions about it.

The ending literally left me staring blankly at the credits for five minutes.

I'll be playing this when Spider-Man 2 comes out because I'm too broke to afford a PS5.

The Halloween game of all time.

Yeah I'm not even going to try with this one.

It's a nice little breather between FNAF 3 and 4 and it has by far the most interesting villain and the second most satisfying ending in the series.

I'm sorry but I just can't deal with Nightmare, he's so annoying I hate him.

I love Spider-Man.

That's it. That's the review.

This one stressed me out so much and despite how many times I died I still never got the rare minigames.

It has the scare factor that the original game should have had but misses a bit in the gameplay factor.

Probably the closest we'll ever get to Portal 3 and I love how the time travel mechanic was used.

I did find myself trapped and confused a lot though

I replayed this after watching the movie for the first time, it was a very surreal experience.

I love these guys so much, I'd play a game where the only thing that happens is these five talking, their chemistry is so well done.