This game is far from perfect but as a massive Spider-Man fan this is literally everything I could have asked for so I have to give it a five stars.

Replaying the first FNAF game is weird because this is by far the scariest one in terms of design and atmosphere.

Playing this game every Christmas makes me feel nostalgic, even if the swinging feels really slow after SM2

This game makes me so calm and infuriates me at the same time.

Even though it's not regarded on the same level as the other three Arkham games, it definitely deserve it's place with them.

I'm going through a Batman phase right now leave me alone.

My sim set fire to the house, ignored it and then took the children outside, left them on the pavement and passed out.

This game is so fun.

Time for my annual replay of this silly masterpiece.

Despite this game's many MANY flaws I had a lot of fun playing it, also Freddy is best dad.

I used to love playing Miitopia on my 3DS as a kid and not only does the Switch version bring back everything that was amazing about the original, it expands on it and improves it. The fun, innocent nature of this game just fills me with nostalgia as well.

I love that this game tries something new and tries different mechanics, some work but some others (springlock suit) don't.

Yeah it's still a masterpiece.

Kinda lives up to the title but also doesn't.

I am really indecisive so this game hurt me.

IT TOOK SO LONG BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT FOR THE ENDING. I sure hope that the ending isn't ruined in a future instalment...