Simple yet fun and charming little rhythm game

Surprisingly really fun and charming addition to the series

If I were to rate this game based off of how it was in its prime I would say this is even better than the first game. It took what the first game did and expanded on it in a really creative and fun way. Though unfortunately I feel I must rate the game based off of its current state and its current state is one that I am not a fan of at all. So take all of that for what you will.

I'm terrible at Puyo Puyo and Tetris, what a perfect combo!

Cool and fun as fuck. Hit my brother in the eye cuz of this game 👍

Yeah it's good. That's all I can really say about it lol

Good game with a ridiculous amount of content but can we please just get Mario Kart 9 already I'm so tired of this game lol

I don't care what anyone says this is one of the best Mario Kart games

I used to really not like this game cuz the first time I ever played it was one time when I was like 12 and played it on my cousin's Wii using the wheel and I couldn't play the game at all but after actually getting good at the game it's one of my favorite racing games.

The first Mario Kart game that I ever played. Still holds up very well.

And then we immediately go to a fucking banger that's still considered a classic to this day.

It's okay. I'm sure it was super cool for its time but it's so much more barebones and rougher around the edges compared to the later installments.