Really fun and cute dungeon adventure game with a really quick and easy platinum trophy. I don't like how necessary it is to play and watch a guide at the same time. How on Earth was I supposed to get to input codes to unlock hidden chests without one? Also it would really help if you were able to rotate the camera.

The more I play Fortnite, the more of a slog it feels. That is mainly in due part to how long it takes to level up the battle pass. This new season didn't help freshen things up. Sure the vehicle mods are cool and it offers a new gameplay approach, but I don't like them very much. I always liked the gunplay and fast octane movement of Fortnite and hated the building. That's why I only play Zero Build. Last season with the God & Avatar items were perfect. The cars completely take away that.

Another thing is that I mostly play solo. Of course, as with any multiplayer game, it is most fun when you are playing with your friends. That holds true with Fortnite, but with the cars, it's mandatory to play with someone else. The cars with their turrets are the meta right now. On solo, you need to switch back and forth between the driver and turret seat. As such, there's always an opportunity for some rando to hop in the car with you, making for some weird and awkward interactions.

I find it hard to play and talk to my friends when I'm in a PS party or Discord chat. If it's a singleplayer game, I'm don't join a party because I don't want my friends' blabbering to distract me from the story. If it's a multiplayer, we can't really talk about anything but the the game we are currently playing because that's how sweating online games have become. PowerWash Simulator is the perfect for this. I can talk to my friends and not worrying about anything happening in the game. The game is meant to played whilst listening to something else in the background. Nothing I really experience so it's unique in that sense.

Cleaning the dirt off of stuff is very satisfying, but I don't like how for some of the levels you really have to be super technical. There's also a lot of small parts that are easily missable.

The game is relatively stress-free, unlike the last few levels. They are so long and boring. The game was fun at the start, but then slowly became a chore. That's not good! I had to join the PowerWash Simulator Discord and get someone to help me because it would be another month before I completed the game. Thankfully, I ran into a super nice guy who helped me trudge through the last levels.

Note these are first impressions only. My opinion is likely change the more I play and as content gets updated because triple A live service multiplayer games aren't complete until 2 years after the initial release.

XDefiant has that same carefree, run and gun fast paced gameplay COD is known for. The playable characters are very similar to BO4's specialist. Weapon customization is identical to the gunsmith. There are currently 14 maps which is double what new COD games come out with. There are 5 gamemodes that are the exact same as COD just given a different name. Basically exactly what you think a COD clone would be like.

The main issue with COD is Activision's greed. Will XDefiant suffer from this same issue as well? Ubisoft is not as greedy as Activision, but they are more incompetent. However, I have a slither of hope they'll manage not to royally fuck up because this year's line-up of Ubisoft games doesn't look like total horse doodoo. It seems Ubisoft might be walking the path of redemption this year, but only time will tell.

Is XDefiant the COD killer? No, especially not when COD 2024 is going to be on gamepass. But the game is a lot of fun and is free unlike COD's egregious 90 CAD price.

The powers are really imaginative and unique. Most games have you use fire, water, earth, air, lighting and ice. This game, your powers are smoke, neon, video and concrete. I really like that it's something different for a change.

The differences between a good and evil playthrough is cool. Story is different, as it should be, but more importantly the powers and playstyles are different. The good powers are more passive because you're trying to subdue the enemies. The evil powers allow for a more fast and aggressive playstyle. I found the evil playthrough more fun to play, but I like the good side's story more.

Speaking of story, I like the concept and not so much the actual plot. It has an X-Men vibe which I dig especially considering I just finished watching the X-Men '97 show (which is amazing). The plot itself leaves a lot to be desired. There's no real build-up to anything that happens. Events just transpire. It doesn't really bother me because the powers at your disposal are fun and the game isn't long by any means. 10 hours is just right for a game like this. Voice acting is good but that's too be expected from Troy Baker and Travis Willingham. My favorite moments were when they were bantering with each other.

My biggest gripe is the lighting. It's so realistic to the point where on multiple occasions, I couldn't see shit. When it was evening or night, all I could see is darkness. That really peeved me but what peeved me more is how often it occurred.

The ideas here can make a good or even great game. Free-to-play survival zombie game where you can build and reinforce your base against increasingly difficult waves. You can recruit survivors which can expand your roster of playable characters. You can drive a truck around and explore the map. There's a bunch of different weapons that suit all kinds of offensive playstyles. It all sounds nice, but it's all executed very poorly. It's not even a survival zombie game, it's a dungeon game. You could to three incredibly easy dungeons, beat the boss, game over. There's no point to do anything that I just mentioned. What a waste of time, work and resources that were put into making this. The developers don't care because the game is glitchy and buggy to high hell. I'll give this a whole one star instead of half of one because of the potential this could have been a nice, fun, short, wholesome indie game.

You know a franchise is running out of ideas when they have to make a racing spinoff game. At least it's free and not full price like LEGO 2K Drive or Disney Speedstorm.

The main thing I hate about fighting games is how many combos there are and how you must execute them. Maybe I’m bad but there’s too many and I can never seem to get the inputs right. There is a plethora of ways to dispose of the Naytibas and somehow it never feels overbearing. Stellar Blade took my biggest gripe with fighting games and spun it on its head. It is definitely my favorite aspect of the game. Even though the many side quests in this game are played the same, the stellar combat held my interest. I was never bored doing these side quests despite them being boring by design. This game is so much fun to play.

I really like the music. Some of the best I’ve heard in a video game. The graphics are really pretty, but the true beauty lies in the female character designs. EVE, Lily, Tachy, Raven and all the other female characters are gorgeous. Stellar Blade has some of the coolest and most unique character customizations. I love playing around with the different outfits, glasses, earrings and hairstyles. It’s all so vibrant and colorful.

The first ¾ of the story doesn’t feel like it goes anywhere. It feels rushed, as though I missed a prequel. The final quarter is where the narrative starts getting interesting and everything gets explained. I like how there’s multiple endings. Most games nowadays don’t offer multiple endings. So Stellar Blade is refreshing in that sense. What sucks about the multiple endings is how you must restart the entire game to get the other ones. For some reason, you can’t manually save in Stellar Blade. You have one autosave. You progressed too far into the story and missed a collectible. Too bad kiddo. You must start over. I missed one can and the only way I can get it is by playing New Game+. I must play New Game+ anyways for the other 2 endings and the game isn’t too long but it’s still annoying. Manual saving is such an under the radar yet necessary feature in any single player game. The fact that Stellar Blade omits this feature, I consider it the game’s biggest flaw.

Decided to download the game because they add Rika, my favorite Pokémon character, to the game.

The game seems interesting with being able to battle and team up with all the famous trainers from all the game. However, it is plagued by the curse of being a mobile game. Tons of unnecessary and long updates and constant pop up notifications. Could barely even play the game. It got so annoying to where I just deleted the game.

Whether you're a PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox or PC fanboy, can we all agree that mobile gaming is the worse? Thank you.

If you love FF16 like me, get this dlc, it's more of what you love. The battle against Leviathan, his powers as well as Ultima's, the music, graphics, exploring the new region, all of that is awesome. One thing I didn't expect to love was Shula. She is so hot, to me at least.

I like how a "balance" patch came with this dlc where they buffed all the shit abilities nobody used. They are certainly stronger, but no one is going to use them considering we have two new eikon abilities to play with. And boy are they strong, overpowered even. Additionally, the meta to destroying bosses is still the same: cycle through your ultimate abilities because they deal the most damage/stagger and slow time so you'll be able to recharge them in no time. Again, no real point in using the newly buffed abilities.

Included in the patch are quality of life changes such as having 5 sets of eikon abilities as well as being able to instantly teleport when you are about to complete a quest. These are certainly nice but why weren't in the game on day one? Weird oversight, I guess.

What sucks? Some of the side quests. To unlock the store, blacksmith and chocobo riding, you need to do a side quest respectively. How do you complete the side quests? Talk to NPCs. That's it. Not even a single enemy to fight. Talk about boring and unnecessary. This was so stupid I have to dock off a point.

Overall, The Rising Tide is a very epic dlc though it sucks that it isn't free. Square Enix has to scramble as much money as they can from this game and FF7 Rebirth's poor sales.

Last year I wrote a review saying COD: MWIII was the worst video game I have ever played. Not anymore. Heavenly Bodies is now my least favorite video game of all time. The movement is so terrible that it made me do something I have never done before with a video game...

Quit. I couldn't get passed the second, said "this isn't worth the frustration" and deleted the game. For that, I'm giving this game my first 0/10. There's quite a few video games I genuinely dislike and would even go so far as to say hate. However, none of them drove me to quit. I still finished them to the end because there's always a chance it might get better. Some of them did, some didn't. But, at least they had some redeeming qualities that gave them a point. There's not a thing I can say about Heavenly bodies that won't make my blood boil.

I played video games for fun, escapism and some of them even helped me grow and improve as a person. If I keep playing Heavenly Bodies, I'll just become a worst version of myself and I don't want that.

The last time I seriously played Fortnite was before the release of COD: BO4. Since then, I've played a few matches from time to time, but I never fully immersed myself to completing the battle pass and doing all the challenges. My friends and mainly recent girlfriend have convinced me to hop on once more. I played Fortnite for the whole weekend and I got to say, I had a lot of fun. I've poured more hours in just one weekend than the last 5+ years combined. Game is so different from 2018 that it feels totally fresh and new.

I used to shit talk about Fortnite because I'm hipster like that, but now I'm one of the suckers who bought the battlepass and is aiming to do all the challenges. Oh how times have changed.

The elemental bending powers from Avatar are super fun to play with.

I'm removing a point because as cool as it is to fight gods and acquire their power, it's not the most original idea. Overwatch 2 had this theme in its second season.

Lastly, I want to mention how I feel bad for killing people in this game. Most people feel this way in GTA, but for me it's Fortnite. Reason is because I know a lot of kids play this and they're not exactly skilled. They're pretty awful actually and that's fine. I would be concerned if a kid played like Ninja. The reason I feel bad is because I know these kids want to play for fun and probably don't play often due to their parents. Having someone like me, someone who has been playing shooting games for about 15 years, absolutely molly wop them feels wrong. Oh well, blame Epic Games for poor matchmaking I guess.

Can always rely on my favorite childhood card game/videogame/tv show to pull through: Chaotic.

Graphics look beautiful and the game has amazing lighting but who cares if the gameplay is a walking simulator going at a snail's pace. A simple sprint button would fix everything.


Don't confuse my score for the quality of the game. It's a pretty fun fighting game, it's just they aren't my cup of tea. There's a wide variety of kung fu moves with your bare hands in addition to the weapons you can pick up. It all looks cool. Too bad I can't consistently execute them. I hate fighting games where you have to push up on the left stick, then down, then right, press x and then circle + triangle to perform the swinging ball sack. I think this is stupid. But here, that's just me being a noob. If you enjoy these types of games, Sifu is a must pick.

I like how you can choose to kill or spare your enemies and the aging with death mechanic is very unique. I also like the art style, very creative in my opinion.