Average of both games.
Uncharted 4: 5 stars.
Uncharted Lost Legacy: 4 stars.
Average: 4.5 stars.

Average of both games.
Years 1-4: 2/10
Years 5-7: 5/10
Technically the score would be 3.5/10 but math says I need to round up. So I'll be generous and give it a 4/10 rather than a 3/10.

This one didn't make me take a 4 month hiatus like the first game did. I actually quite enjoyed Years 5-7.

It does some good improvements over Years 1-4. I don't constantly hear a remix of the Harry Potter theme. The spells you unlock are more interesting. There are more trophies to earn and they are less tedious. Buying characters is easier and I don't have to scroll all the way to the end. Unlockables are easier and more satisfying. I like how there's a ghost in each area that'll tell you what you collected and what's missing. Ron isn't useless and has unique, cool traits.

That being said, there are some things Years 5-7 did worse than Years 1-4. There are now loading screens for some reason. Going from diagon alley to Hogwarts is a pain. A lot of levels seem filler. The boss fights are too long for a Lego game. The dueling was fun at first but when you have to do it 3/4 times a level it becomes a slog. This is the point where the movies start getting serious, but the stupid noises and jokes ruin any intensity. I know it's Lego but come on.

Overall, better than the first, but still a mediocre game.

Average of the three games which I gave all the same rating: 3 stars.

I played three games on my switch because I was bored. Somehow I won all three of them and never touched Fortnite ever since. 3/10 for the three wins.

I actually bought V-Bucks for skins and the battlepass smh. Peak Fortnite imo.

Played a bit but stopped but BO4 came out. That game offers much better zombies than this season could ever.

Fun season but that stupid cube took forever to get anywhere.

When I first started playing. So much nostalgia from the high school days.

Finally got my goddamn platinum trophy this season.

Lacking in gameplay but the story is so interesting (for Transformers). Why wasn't this the story for the movie? Decepticons are actual characters and not just death fodder.

Average of both games. I gave the first one 4 stars and the second one 2 stars. So 3 stars.

I understand why they remade Gen 1 again. FireRed & LeafGreen came out in 2004. These games serve as an introduction to the new generation of kids whose first Nintendo console is the switch.

But for hardcore fans... yeah we didn't need this. I thought X and Y were easy. Those games are nothing compared to this. Your partner Pikachu and Eevee are op as heck!

The catching mechanic as well as feeding your Pokémon berries was obviously inspired by Pokémon Go. They should have stick to the original formula but whatever.

Blue, one of the best rivals and champions is replaced by some dweeb named Chase. Probably the most unnecessary of changes done.

All in all, bad games. Mediocre at best. I would recommend if they were cheap but this is Nintendo we're talking about. They never discount their games.

Probably the most annoying video game I've ever played. 24 levels is too much for a LEGO game. No character ever talks, they just make Minecraft villagers noises which gets annoying quick. Not a minute goes by where you don't hear some rendition of the Harry Potter theme. To switch characters, you have to go to a cauldron instead of just opening a menu and choosing that way. No, that would be too convenient and accessible to the player. We want this to be as long and tedious as possible.

Unlocking stuff is tedious. To unlock a red brick, you need to do a specific quest, take the red block to an owl, watch a little animation, return to the leaky cauldron, walk down diagon alley, enter the shop, walk up the stairs and then I can finally buy the red brick. Rinse and repeat twenty times. Who the fuck wants to go through all that. How about this? You do the quest, unlock the red block and you can just instantly buy it in the extras menu. There, I just saved you a whole day of your life.

In summary, this has been one of the most torturous gaming experiences I have gone through. Only reason I didn't quit two minutes in is because this is a pretty simple and easy platinum trophy.

One positive that saves this from being half a star is the acquiring of new spells. I thought that was pretty neat. For once, a LEGO game with actual progression.