This is probably the worst NRS game out there

I'm wondering which is better between this and Uncharted 4 and I'm still stuck at choosing either

Both are mid tho

Gen 2 is my childhood and it can't let it go.

But even then it's still really good

Kinda sucks that this was at one point the best Xbox Exclusive now it's on everything


A legendary reboot

Dragon Ball FGs took nothing but Ls pre ArcSys taking over but man....I never had a game where I just forced to play for DBZ content badly and it's this rough

Worst in the series by a country mile. Like it's easy to say other games are worst but I mean there's fun in those. Not in here.

SoV is all you need if you want to play this. Do that

Better roster, worst gameplay and worst story than MKX...I think

UPDATED: It actually has a much better story and graphics and borderline everything else. Shit maybe MKX kinda sucks

The thing that hurts this game the most is that the Modern Sonic playstyle is way better than Unleashed and Gens but everything else is so much worst

The game play is better than 11 but man I really hate it's roster so much

Anyone that thinks 06 is worst needs to realize one thing:

I didn't have to beat 06 10+ times to get the good ending and have to deal with Rareware collect-a-thon type missions

This game aged like 23 year old milk.

No amount of history, legacy, ideas and fun moments can't fix that

I like it. It has Doonmu as X and Master Asia as Sigma so it's G Gundam as a Megaman game