Koei Tecmo, this is a fine lesson, DON'T CATER TO ESPORTS.

They don't want you. Don't believe me, remember the phrase "Core Values". And FGC needs some core values themselves

Nintendo is so f**ked when they realized Sega made a better F-Zero game.

And even worst when it's the peak

Hardcore Unpopular Opinion. I think this is superior over the NES game. IT JUST FEELS, PLAYS AND DOES EVERYTHING FASTER

I feel like whenever IntSys does something different for the SRPG genre they get crapped on to hell and back.

Let them experiment, man

How screwed up would it be to say this game is better than FE4

Doesn't matter doing it

You wanna a high ceiling fighting game with great graphics, rollback netcode, large roster at LAUNCH, character variety and the absolute old school level of jank.

Then SNK put out the sor far best game of 2022


This game is really good in parts but feels so bloated in design to the point where it's less fun than any Crash game.

Also it's too hard and long for its own good. Crash benefitted for having challenging but shorter levels. Not harder and longer

Daily reminder that this game is technically CP, so if you own this game, FUCKING TRASH IT

That Cover is the strongest a game cover can be

The worst 2D platformer on the PS1.

The second worst MK game. Just watch the cutscenes on YouTube, you basically get a better experience there

This game is too big brained bubble butt juicy for you.

Go back to Sonic R if you want something easy

Lan literally threw his PET as a weapon and knocked a man out cold.

That's insanity. And I love it

Yuri Sakazaki's long legs on those tight pants