A really good game. Landmaster controls are ass but it's a massive step up over the first 2 SNES games by far.

A goddamn back to form for not only Street Fighter but for the genre as a whole. World Tour is love letter to Capcom and Street Fighter and the gameplay is massive step up compared to past titles. Shaping up to be an All-Timer

Got this game in 2007 for $5 and has been one of my all time favorite Football games ever.

Made me love the series throughout the years. Miss is so much more than Madden

A significant upgrade of the first 2 games.

Lucia best girl

This game was made by Double Helix which just came off of Killer Instinct 2013, during Capcom's dark age and the worst gaming year of 2014 and was one of my favorite game experiences ever.


Who told me Broly would be this hard also and fun PSP port of Budokai 3

This was one of my favorite games to replay on my 360 because of doing chaotic shit and crazy stuff

Delsin is a cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.

Also game is fun, just needed more meat attached to it and combat ideas

Capcom's undisputed best Beat Em Up

My first experience with SMB1 and it's legit great with all the content

Marge is legit best in this game

Lilac was probably the only character I would play in this. Everyone else feels awkward and basically unfun.

I can't enjoy the story and the bosses really do blow

A really creative game that I enjoyed so much. Shame it came out right when the Genesis was being ignored and forgotten

I was forcing myself to like this game because I bought it at launch and I enjoyed Gears of War 3.

This game is really bleh and feels like MS trying to make Gears look and seem like a AAA Sony game from writing and structure