6 Reviews liked by Chaos_Stryker

more like Spyro 2: Rip My Balls Off because this shit is great. these were the best days of my life, when i loved playing outside more than anything else and having to come in and play spyro was like a worst case scenario. i didnt know how good i had it back then

This game is way too short. I started and platinumed this game all in 1 day. I played this nonstop. I was loving it. But 22 hours to platinum a game is ROUGH. That's so short for the $70 price and I didn't skip a single cutscene. It is good, but it is a little disappointing. I think the gameplay is great, it's hard to imagine how they can improve it even more in the next game. I loved that they added a parry system. It's so satisfying. The weakest part is probably the story. Venom and Kraven are cool, but, idk. They just didn't feel like enough for me. I feel like they blew their load too early with Venom. I don't really know what to say with how I feel, the story was just very meh to me. There wasn't even a hard hitting scene like the end of part 1. At least they improved the MJ shit, still wasn't GOOD tho.

This would be your average run-of-the-mill jigsaw puzzle game for young children, but it's also an example of why we should never always rely on AI generators to produce content.

Every puzzle in the game uses AI-generated art (possibly using prompts like "a happy car in the style of Pixar"), meaning machine-made errors are apparent in each "artwork" you see.

The base game is $20, with DLC add-ons of $2.49 each containing more AI-generated artwork. Could you imagine some poor parent spending that much for a lazy scam like this?

A perfect sequel in every way. Venice is still one of the best cities in the entire franchise and its a shame they never were able to replicate that. Jesper Kyd delivers once again with arguably the best soundtrack in any game EVER.

Tonight on my youtube channel, im going to show you how to get carpal tunnel syndrome with just one easy trick. Just click click click click until you cant feel your hand anymore.

The game is surprisingly fun, and the controls work very well. Has no right working as well as it does but it's well worth checking out if you enjoy the series, though the art style might be a bit of a deterrent.