I wanted to try a different 3DS racing game that wasn't Mario Kart. Boy was this a mistake.

Graphics look like something you'd see on cellphone while waiting for a bus, cars control like they're made out of cardboard box, just your average every day shovelware.

If you're looking for a hidden gem, then this Is not one of them. You can literally finish this game under 40 minutes if you're not going for 100% completion.

It's interesting that the difficulty is easy considering it borrows a lot of inspiration from Crash Bandicoot. Which isn't a bad thing but this game doesn't do anything new to stand out, it's more like a cheap copy of it's former self. It even has a level called "bridge to nowhere" so they're not really hiding it. Although there is one move that's unique to this game (barely functional spindash)

You can obtain gadgets after each boss fight but they're completely situational and used for collectibles rather than using it to overcome more challenging levels. Boss fights in this game are simple, pretty much like in the original Crash trilogy. Even the final boss which consists of "break 5 crystals and do it 3 more times" to defeat the witch.

Now there are harder levels you can unlock, I just don't feel like unlocking them when the game spams me with worthless trophies, it's the only challenge if I'm being real.

The most forgettable 3D platformer I have ever played. But considering this was released as a budget shovelware Wii title I shouldn't be too surprised.

N64 inspired game that doesn't really have an introduction, you're just thrown Into the game without explanation.

I usually try collecting everything In collect-a-thons on my first playthrough, and it took me only 33 minutes. It's still a fun game, I just wish there was more content.

Small puzzle game where you switch between two robots to solve easy platforming challenges. You can share some of your energy to the other player which I found neat.

Nothing much beyond that, It's alright for what It is.

I had a very crappy notebook and this was one of the few games that actually worked. I have a lot of fun memories with it, but In the end it's a very simple platformer. Collect everything In the level while throwing acorns at enemies.

It's the same as the winter themed one except this time It's set In safari. Only thing that changes are the enemies and obstacles.

It wasn't bad, though it's very short and lacks mission variety as
you'll spend most time driving in a boat or doing stealth and that's kinda it.

The little Mouse that could

As a mobile tier game ported to PC/Consoles it's alright.
There's a set of mazes and each zone introduces new obstacle. It has decent amount of skins to purchase and there's no mtx featured in this version. Nothing remarkable but for 0,39€ on Steam when it was on sale, it's not too bad.

Agent Hugo Is back! With a Sonic Riders clone no less

Just like the last game it's super short, only having 9 levels. It's also held back by baffling design choices. If you want to do a simple task like jumping, well you better switch to the correct power-up or you'll crash. Or more annoying, robots that exists simply to ruin your day. If you don't switch in time to activate a shield power-up you'll die and spawn right where you hit the robot last time. The best way to get rid of the robots Is by getting a weapon but good luck finding one.

Really if the whole "switching power-ups" thing was removed It would make the tracks more fun to play. As it stands now there are only 3 game mods. And you need to play them in order, you can't choose a track and play whatever mode you want (which I find very dumb).

And lastly the final boss which yes the game has a boss, Is alright but very janky. If I can say anything positive it's that the boss was better than what Sonic Riders had to offer with it's final bosses.