8 reviews liked by Charliwea

The ship launch sequences were the best part of the game.

The almost jarring dissonance between the jovial anime high-schoolers-vs-the-world tone, and the real world human atrocities it's historically based on was not enough for me to not enjoy it.

Signlehandedly getting me into persona games. Such a good story with great characters. Definitely recommend

saying video games shouldn't tackle tough topics while having silent hill 2 at a 5/5 is very smooth-brained.

team silent is gone and you need to accept that.

Jet Skis should have never been invented.
This game has aged poorly in my eyes. It feels clunky to climb most of the time and on my replay I ran into countless bugs causing me to fall through the map or have invincible enemies ruin my life.
Sully epic however

This was my first Bethesda game and it was honestly pretty good. I just finished my first playthrough, and am kind of burnt out so I'm probably gonna be done with the game for now. The story was alright, I didn't really care about the characters very much. The main quests were mostly boring, but there are some really cool side quests to do. There are a lot more things I could talk about but overall, I enjoyed the game and got a good 40 hours of gameplay out of it, with much more available if I wanted so I can't really complain.

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I thought this was a pretty interesting game with an interesting story/lore to it, despite whatever flaws it may have (like that one level where you have to switch between dimensions to save Rafael. That level was kind of a pain in the ass, ngl). It's probably not GOTY material, but it's still a pretty good game. Do I recommend it? If you like games that take place in space and all, and/or if you simply like Bethesda's games, I'd say, give this one a shot.

i can say i dropped out of high school and have a criminal record but still land the most off the wall ass jobs imaginable