9 reviews liked by Chilly

This game was made by Good-Feel, who helps out on first party Nintendo Titles like Kirby and the Forgotten Land. It's unclear what role they serve but after playing this my guess is they probably contribute contract labor, especially visuals/animation.

This game has the same camera as Kirby and the Forgotten Land, but has a really sprawling type of level design. Occasionally level design feels a bit 'denser' and reminiscent of something like a Super Mario 3D Land / Super Mario 3D World, but a lot of times it's just a visually stunning setting (a cruise ship roof, a beach, etc) with a lot of little visual candy - sandcastles with nooks, watermelon enemies, small caves.

Enemies are strewn throughout the levels, although they're usually dancing or walking around in circles... you're quite powerful, and gain extremely powerful upgrades to mow down the enemies. Getting hurt is usually from something coming off screen or being unable to see things properly. There is a dodge roll and parry.

The effect is it feels like we're slaughtering a bunch of monsters having festivals. In fact the goal of each level is to shatter 3 festival lanterns in order to 'repel the evil celebration!' But the power divide between you and these joyful enemies (imagine mowing down people dancing on stage or in a parade) creates a strange effect.

The levels have collectibles which tell you fun facts. These range from bad jokes to legitimately interesting facts - did you know Japan has underwater mailboxes?

I also like how the levels are organized so that there's one for each prefecture in Japan. Have Americans made a 3D platformer for every state yet? Let me in on that...

So is it good? It depends on what you're looking for. This doesn't feel challenging in the way older 2.5D platformers like Goemon did. At the same time there's a shocking amount of polish and visual stuff put into this game, and it feels a bit at odds with how simplistic and repetitive the design elements are. I feel like there's a weird story behind this game's development under the surface, but we may never know..

Strider made a wonderful transition into the Metroidvania genre due to the immensely fun gameplay that has a rhythm to it with the combat which makes slicing up enemies so satisfying and with consistently getting new abilities/upgrades, it never gets old. Cherry on top are the boss fights that aren’t too hard, but still require a lot of attention that further elevates the combat.

My main complaint with this game is the visuals. It looks like an Xbox 360 Arcade title and just a downgrade compared to Strider 2. My other issue is that backtracking gets annoying due to the lack of fast travel options.

Overall, the gameplay carries this game so much to have a blast from start to finish to give it a strong recommendation if you are looking for a Metroidvania experience that makes you feel like a badass at a very low price which does make my complaints not sting as much. It is the best 3 euros that I have spent for sure.

Played this game day one when it came out and it was fairly fun to the point I went for all the achievements. The issue is that the game felt like it lacked content fairly quickly and no additional content was released soon after launch. However, for what it's worth I enjoyed it and put over 20 hours.

Replayed the game now thanks to the English patch where now I also understand the plot and other things of the gameplay, a very fun game in some repetitive sides, but I think it is precisely a test game given its RPG nature as opposed to the traditional platform, all in all really a solid and good game

I like Bleach, The designs were always really cool and the action was flashy and enjoyable (props to Kubo the guy really knows how to draw awesome things). I also like the story, or i did before the manga got completely of the rails. The soul society arc was amazing but the rest lacked direction. As a whole what i like about the anime is more the style and fights than the story substance.

Why this seemly unrelated intro? I think people give this game a lot of credit because it looks cool and the attack moves look somewhat flashy. The new villain designed by Kubo himself looks cool and could have easly been a character in one of those anime filler arcs or movies. They attempted to make a story that did fit in the anime continuity. Like the anime, a lot of effort went in the visual presentation.

But underneath lies a extremely bare bones turnbased strategy RPG. A standard weapon triangle. Lots of moves that do pretty much the same thing. Extremely low enemy diversity. I think i saw only like 3 or 4 different nonboss enemy sprites in the game. This is made worse by just having recolors of the same monster in each of the weapon triangle types that do exactly the same attacks. The soul society captains and lieutenants from the show are just single map guest characters that can level up but you lose them afterwards. They pretty much only have an attack move and they don't translate the special abilities of their swords at all in any meaningful gameplay like way. Other than their sprites they could as well have been the exact same characters. Maps were extremely boring.
Good presentation, but makes barely any effort to take advantage of the gamegenre it wants to be. If you look past the nice coat of paint there isn't much there. More a cashgrab for fans than a innovative game in any shape or form. I can see this being serviceable for people that just like Bleach and are not really into strategy RPG's otherwise (or really young when they played it). As a veteran of the genre it didn't offer enough to not get bored with it before the end.
If this is considered the best Bleach game the franchise really deserved better.

that kid with the green hat and the tongue freaks me out, seriously

I really liked playing as Killua in this. He had a yo-yo attack that was exceptionally satisfying. I never did get around to unlocking Jotaro or Dio, they come really late in the game. I think that made me appreciate who I did have access to even more.

Better than J-Star and infinitely clear of Jump Force
Teambuilding with manga panels from each character's best scenes is fun. There isn't much to the gameplay but it's just a fun game and I wish they would have expanded on it instead of going the generic arena fighter route.

Loved the game! Only problem was that the game wouldn’t open for me anymore, and it still won’t open. But gameplay wise I found it fun!