Log Status






Time Played

7h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 21, 2023

Platforms Played


Devil May Cry 5 is a decent action game, but it didn't do anything for me that was crazy enough to warrant special mention. Definitely deserving of a minor shoutout, however, is its combo system, which successfully turns a fun aspect of the genre (combos) into the main course. Overall, however, I found DMC5’s enjoyability to be very character dependent; V was a blast, composed of equal parts strategy and button mashing, but Nero and Dante feel less inventive and enjoyable by comparison. I was also disappointed to find that the soundtrack isn’t really given the spotlight to show off the bombast the songs are composed with. Overall an alright experience, but I wouldn’t recommend it over Metal Gear Rising to a newcomer of the genre.