I like this pretty much as much as the original Undertale if not slightly more which is like the highest compliment I can give an Undertale fangame

The transformations are the best addition to the formula ever, but overall it was business as usual, ape escape goes 3 for 3 when it comes to being crazy fun

A sequel basically just as fun as On The Loose, although I do prefer the changes the psp made to the series formula looking back

immaculate banger holy shit this game is so fun it's actually crazy

Yeah this was really fun
Not the biggest fan of Messiah Sonic but the story was pretty alright if I do say so myself
Gameplay was really fun for the most part, the DLC was the peak of it though

This is the most relevant Espio has ever been in this series.

Pretty peak if i do say so myself

chat what the fuck is a time stone

really bad, i hear the ps3 version is way better maybe one day i'll be able to play that one

Some of the best stories in all of Sonic stuck behind a borderline unplayable mess, at least to me.

This game is the reason I avoid playing any more gatcha

I really like this game even if it's far from my favorite Sonic experience. The multiple campaigns with unique gameplay styles are a really fun idea I wish more later games used, and I had a blast with pretty much all of them. Open your heart, it's gonna be all right~

A masterpiece. I ADORE Sonic Mania and all it represents. Probably the best Sonic game that released in basically that entire decade.