6 reviews liked by Chronoxchaos666

Amazing game where the sequal was more complex than the original and also added more content. So much more added content that the modding community had to come to the rescue to finish the game!

The closest thing you will have to Elder Scrolls 6 for the next decade.

This game is like the xbox one. Starts out with horrible press release and how you can buy darth vader ofr hundreds of bucks. Then EA thinks a little bit and improves on the game. Also don't let me speak about the plot of this "game". Also if you want the definitive battlefront 2 experience ther is a game from 2005 called Battlefront 2 that has much better gameplay.

This is the game that taught me you do not have to be running all the time as you do in games these days.

The onely game that can think of rivaling halo in my opinion.

Best special edition for killzone fans.